How to change access privileges??



I am new to Macs, i have what probably seems a simple question..

I am the administrator on my iBook, however i can not get access to other users folders, however they can get access to mine, does anybody know how to change this?


What do you mean 'access'?

The default permissions allow reading for everyone, but not writing. If you don't like this, change the folder permissions (Get Info, then change the permissions to what you want)
Administrators by default cannot access other user's folders. If you do not want other users on your system to access your folders, then you may have other folders that are not in your user folder. If these folders are NOT the System, Library, Applications, or Users folders, then you can simply drag any other folders to your Desktop, and other users will not be able to access them there. If you don't want to clutter up your desktop, then simply drag those folders to your UserName folder (that's your Home folder)