How to force resolution on boot?


Classic situation: I have a Mac Mini attached to a KVM via DVI -> VGA, and a VGA LCD attached to the KVM. The KVM is preventing the Mini from detecting the LCD's resolution of 1680x1050 -- if I bypass the KVM, all works fine.

The question is -- is there a way to force the Mini to use a particular display definition and resolution during boot-up?

You can also try a program called SwitchResX (available with a simple Google search).

This program uses "haxies" in order to accomplish what it does, and some people have reported problems using "haxies" or application enhancers in the past, so it's a "do at your own risk" kind of thing.

I, personally, have never encountered any problems with SwitchResX, though.
on run
  do shell script "cscreen" (*get current resolution*)
  set screenResolution to the result
  if screenResolution contains "1280" then
    tell application "Stickies" to quit  
    (* because im tired of having 
    to organize all my stickies every time I switch*)
    (*switch to dual [tv/mon] display*)
    do shell script "cscreen -x 800 -y 600 -r 60"
  else if screenResolution contains "800" then
    (*switch to monitor display*)
    do shell script "cscreen -x 1280 -y 960 -r 100"
  end if
end run

This is taken from's hint about setting resolution via AppleScript. You can, of course, adapt the script to your need, save it as an application and use it as a login item. That should do the trick.