How to miror two Mac Servers



I have two Mac OS x servers that I want to keep in constant sync so that if something happens to the first one, the second one can take over (or at least I can the bring it online so that we can continue working).

I've looked through some documentation but cannot find the best way of doing this. (I am new to Macs)

Do you want a perfect mirror between the two, with all data on all drives replicated to another server?

Or do you just want to mirror user accounts?

Or do you just want to mirror services (web, iChat, calendar, mail, etc.)?

Or... what?
Hi Diablo...

What i need is an exact replica so that if any changes are made to server 1 then these will be replicated to server 2.

I think he is asking which services on the server are you trying to replicate/duplicate? does the server provide each user with their user accounts, or is it providing email, dns, websites, etc. His reason for asking this is that even though I don't know what the proceedures would be, I am sure they are different for each different service that the server is providing.