[HOW TO] Put your mac to sleep

For future reference: If anyone is planning to experiment with their Macs with pliers, gasoline, fire or any other curious elements ... um ... before you do, keep in mind that I will gladly accept donations of said computers. *Before* the experiment takes place, that is. :D
Lt Major Burns said:
who would possibly want, or have a use with a perfectly working, but obsolete 11 month old dual G5?
Well, sure, it's obsolete *now* ... you and your damn plier/gasoline experiments.
adambyte said:
I've got you all beat... Ctrl-Eject key .... BAM! That's one less key, biatch!
It's one less key, but it doesn't put your Mac to sleep. It displays the same menu you would get if you pressed the power button, so you have to either press the 'S' key or click the Sleep button to actually get the Mac to snooze.
So, technically, pressing power button (at least on a portable), and then pressing 'S' would be one key less, but it would take about a second longer. ;-)
dmetzcher said:
What do you mean? Closing the lid on a portable doesn't eject the CD.
Read the subject title of this thread. THAT'S what I was refering to. :)
Any special internal hardware? PCI-cards or something? But -> Rather take this to Mac OS X System & Software than using a howto-thread that is about something different (put to sleep rather than wake up).
and also, seriously, is there a way to force eject a cd?

...without rebooting, or going to sleep, or pliers or fire, and that doesn't require using the finder (which is often crashing because the cd has screwed it)...
Esquilinho said:
BTW, does anyone know a simple way of just putting the screen to sleep without having to go to the system prefs?
Sure. Click on Apple, then click on Sleep.
Esquilinho said:
Thanks, but I said put JUST the screen to sleep! Not the computer! ;)
You *did* say just the screen, didn't you? I just reread your post. My bad! I was probably in a pre-coffee state when I read it the first time.

Hmm ... I don't know of any way to put only the screen to sleep without going to System Preferences, but one of the other geeks here might (and I mean "geek" in a good way!). :D
Amie said:
You *did* say just the screen, didn't you? I just reread your post. My bad! I was probably in a pre-coffee state when I read it the first time.

Hmm ... I don't know of any way to put only the screen to sleep without going to System Preferences, but one of the other geeks here might (and I mean "geek" in a good way!). :D

hehe! I know what you mean ;)

Of course "geek" is always in a good way!!! :D