How to record audio streams????


I'm new to Macs and OSX, have a 2.0 dual G5 2gb ram, running OSX.

I listen to realplayer audiostreams, or live radio shows. I want to record them cut them up and burn to cd. bascially have it play and record what is playing through realplayer, itunes radio stream or whatever.

I have downloaded some recommended audio recording programs.
But I cannot seem to get anything working, I see no stream or waves coming through in the monitor of the software and I record nothing.

The system preferences has nothing to allow me to do anything!!!!!!! unlike windows has diffrenet aux, line in,..... etc. you can select.

I heard you need to get special cables reconnect them someway from in to out...... I read a post somewhere I did not understand.

Can someone explain to me what I need to do physically and where to plug what on my dual G5, and what cables, where can I get them, and then what do i need to do as in preferences. to get it working.

A simple step by step explanation would be greatly appreciated,

please and thank you.
For the selection of audio in/out, check Sound in System Preferences.

Real Player and iTunes streams are often protected against direct copy, therefore we cannot help you there.

Once you have the sound you want to record on audio in, you have lots of possibilities to play with it. Check for audio edition software, or use Quicktime Pro, or GarageBand (recording only),...
I use Audio Hijack Pro. There is also just plain Audio Hijack or the freeware application WireTap. One of these three programs will record and the two shareware applications will let you schedule recording times. Then convert the recorded streams and burn them with iTunes.
Thanks for the info, I got Audio hijack pro and all is good.

but I still have one problem to solve.

I know how I can use the split button in Audio hijack and split up the stream as I am listening to it. Sometimes, I'm listening to a set and I may hit split during a mix and hit it at a wrong timing and all is messed up. So I would like to record the whole mix, then go in to the large recorded file later and precisely split up into tracks and then burn them. How can I do this?????????????????

How do I do this. I have Audio hijack and titanium.

Also which cdrs are good for my dual 2.0 G5 burner because Memerox always give me some type of error.


but those programs all kind off suck. they only do mp3's or Im having problems intalling them.

I mean for windows you can do it directly in Nero with waves or whatver, I need something to split the audio even if its not Mp3
wiretap is simple and free. it will record any audio on your system. I recently used wiretap to turn a live bjork dvd I have into a live bjork audio track for my ipod mini. :)

saves as .aiff and then just convert to mp3 or aac with itunes.
I've been recording public radio streams using Wiretap and have been thrilled with the results. One way to deal with chopping up the tracks is when you have the .AIFF file from wiretap, you bring it into iTunes, then ctrl-click -> get info, under the options (i think) menu, you can set the start and stop time for the track. set these to bracket the section you want, then Advanced -> convert to AAC. it will only convert the part you specify. Primarily, I use this to cut off the end of the track when i forget to stop the record - for repeatedly chopping up tracks, it may take too long to be worthwhile.

Does anyone know how to subdivide an mp3/AAC file so that it has segments, like you see in audible audiobooks where FF/RW go to chapter marks instead of +/- X seconds?