How to Reinstall OS x


I had a hard drive crash as per my last post.
I installed a new Drive and now need to install the OS, but dont have any disks.
How can i get them and anything i need to know about installing it and are there any key codes i need to have?

You need the install discs to install the OS. Therefore, always keep the discs that came with the Mac in a safe and available location.
You don't need key codes. However it looks like you have no choice but to buy new installation discs. If you have an older mac (with a processor less than 867 MHz) then you technically won't be able to install the latest Mac OS version 10.5 (there is a software work around though, which I haven't tried).
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What Mac do you exactly have? What OS needs to be installed? (Which came with the original buying of the Mac)