How to uninstall Intellimouse drivers from Jaguar?
I searched throughout the Web for answers to this simple matter but found nada.
I can't get rid of this thing. I installed it (latest version downloaded from Microsoft Mouse Site to use on OS X as of Feb 18 2003) on top of Jaguar 10.2.4. But now I tried deleting preferences, kext's, PrefPanes, etc, performing searches in the Finder for anything named Mouse and Microsoft and deleting. But I am getting nuts, because the icon in the System Preferences doesn't disappear.
Anyone with a hint on this, please be welcome!
I searched throughout the Web for answers to this simple matter but found nada.
I can't get rid of this thing. I installed it (latest version downloaded from Microsoft Mouse Site to use on OS X as of Feb 18 2003) on top of Jaguar 10.2.4. But now I tried deleting preferences, kext's, PrefPanes, etc, performing searches in the Finder for anything named Mouse and Microsoft and deleting. But I am getting nuts, because the icon in the System Preferences doesn't disappear.
Anyone with a hint on this, please be welcome!