How to uninstall Intellimouse drivers from Jaguar?


How to uninstall Intellimouse drivers from Jaguar?

I searched throughout the Web for answers to this simple matter but found nada.

I can't get rid of this thing. I installed it (latest version downloaded from Microsoft Mouse Site to use on OS X as of Feb 18 2003) on top of Jaguar 10.2.4. But now I tried deleting preferences, kext's, PrefPanes, etc, performing searches in the Finder for anything named Mouse and Microsoft and deleting. But I am getting nuts, because the icon in the System Preferences doesn't disappear.

Anyone with a hint on this, please be welcome!
Have you tried removing Cache files (ALL cache files) Best way is to use one of the util apps that removes all cache files
No, I did not because I didn't find any Cache file with name Microsoft Mouse or Intellipoint. But maybe i could give it a try, but I have no idea whatsoever about Cache-clearing apps. Any example you can give me?

Thanks for the input!
Does the installer have an uninstall option?...

(Knowing Microsoft, probably not, but it doesn't hurt to look.)
Yeah, I checked it out, and you're right: it is a typical MS thang and it doesn't have such option...
Not surprised anyhow....

(Then again, I looked at some installers around here and realized tat some of them also doesn't have uninstall options.... Heck!)


Here's what I deleted:
•From Computer/users/user/Library/Preferences: (folder)
•From Computer/Library/PreferencePanes:
-Microsoft Mouse.prefPane
•From Computer/Library/Preferences:
•From Computer/Library/Receipts:
-Microsoft Mouse.pkg
•From Computer/System/Extensions:
•From Computer/Applications:
-Microsoft Mouse

Still welcoming ideas.


Finally succeeded in erasing it all. I did it three times in a row (installing and erasing), and this last time it worked. Maybe it had something to do with that Cache thing. Though I didn't know I could have deleted it (, maybe something happened that forced its rebuild.

Thanks for the tips!

Look in your Utilities folder. That is where the INTELLIPOINT UNINSTALLER is located. It is installed when you install the drivers, so unless you deleted it, it should still be there.
Didn't search for the obvious: File names containing Intellimouse.
An enormous thank you!

(Then again, it is not THAT much obvious, because the name of the icon in the System preferences is "Microsoft Mouse".)