[How To] View Picture Files in Finder as Thumbnails


I just recently made the big switch from PC to Mac and I am loving it. However, there is just one thing I can't figure out that is driving me nuts.

How do you view picture files (e.g. .jpg, .gif) in the finder as Thumbnails. In OS 9 you can do it easily but in 10.3.4 it just doesn't seem possible, or at least I can't figure out how to do it.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.


15" PB 1.5ghz Superdrive
In the Finder: View > Show View Options > Show Icon Preview. Adjust the size of the icons to a good size to view the images.
btoth said:
In the Finder: View > Show View Options > Show Icon Preview. Adjust the size of the icons to a good size to view the images.

Thanks so much! I knew it was there somewhere.
Actually, there's a better way of doing that.

When you select the Finder to make your icon previews what it does is open the image and make a thumbnail every time you log in, and only if you open that folder.

If you have a folder/window with 100 images in it, even on my 700 MHz it's pretty freakin' slow to create all the images, which are lost when you log out (or reboot).

Better solution - Pic2Icon http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/13226

It makes a custom icon out of the image's contents (and even the first frame of some movie files) pretty customizable and FREEWARE!