[HOWTO]Get rid of Safari's brushed metal look

My Windoze buddies envy me for the new brushed metal look! Many people just love it. Why do you want to get rid of it? :)

With the help of Metalizer I have "metalifized" many of my Cocoa applications! Great tool, don't you think? The next things I metalifize are my car, my bed and my TV set... ;-)
I am a big fan of the brushed metal look. Just did my Mail App. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the entire look of Panther is going to be brushed metal, even for finder windows. But for us Jaguar users, does anyone know of a way to Metalize the finder windows?
To go one step further, is there a simple way to metalize the compose and message windows as well?
Where can I find a copy of "Metalize"?
I have searched high and low.
Thanks, I found it. I was looking for Matalize, but it is Metallifizer. My Error. Works great to change the look of all Cocoa Apps. Sorry for reversing the initial intend of this thread which seemed to be all for demetallifizing.

- iLike (A Hawaiian word meaning... "I love my Mac"