[HOWTO] - Setup FTP access on your OSX machine.

All of the comments provided should be helpful, most important is router settings (if you have one) if not and both of you are using OS X then simply setting up file sharing as described should work. the web page provided by baffone is clear enough on how to set that up. Router settings vary greatly so if you are dealing with them you'll need to learn your brands setup routine.

How do i find out how to do this with a router??? Now i can do everything fine, if Im directly into my modem. If Im through my router, and other Macs, my ip is unfindable.....

I assume the router is giving out addresses to each of my Macs???

BTW, its a D-Link DI-604. I got it cuz it was Mac osX compatible.....

Thanks for any info,.....
you could use rumpus ftp server which allows you to set up a server with both ftp and http access.you can have an account set to allow mutliple connections,and also you can throttle the bandwidth usage for that account.the biggest problem im having at the moment(and i could probably use more ram,192 installed,290-ish with VM)is that rumpus is a severe CPU hog,and when people are connected,everything slows down.it tooke me 5 minutes to scroll down the fron page of the bbc news website,and it took me two minutes to quit rumpus itself.having said that,another option,should you wish to use is,is to run a hotline server.easy to setup,and all downloads are resumable.works perfectly in classic although there are a few bugs which could do with ironing out in OSX.

also,if you want to be able to control your mac from a pc,there is timbuktu which does the trick.however there is another app called VNC which is free and works pretty well.easy to use and easy to configure the server on your mac.you can get it over here .you can get pee cee versions of the client software over here

fetch is purely an FTP client,not an FTP server.