U.S.D.A. Prime
The PowerBook you have will work just fine in the scenario you describe, and heat should not be an issue as long as you don't cover the computer with anything or block ventilation ports while using it with the lid closed.
The reason that closed-lid operation generates more heat (or appears to generate more heat -- the amount of heat generatedis the same as if you used it with the lid open) is that some (not all) of the PowerBook's heat venting is done through the keyboard. With the lid closed, this obviously blocks some of the heat ventilation through the keyboard, but it's safe to operate in this mode with the PowerBooks. The iBooks should not be used like this.
The reason that closed-lid operation generates more heat (or appears to generate more heat -- the amount of heat generatedis the same as if you used it with the lid open) is that some (not all) of the PowerBook's heat venting is done through the keyboard. With the lid closed, this obviously blocks some of the heat ventilation through the keyboard, but it's safe to operate in this mode with the PowerBooks. The iBooks should not be used like this.