I have just recieived from a friend a Mac computer. It had Mac OS X on it and I was thrilled. Then I decided to download Quicktime 7 off the net and I tried to use it to look at a movie clip. Instantly I had a problem. I could'nt shut down the program so I shut off the computer. That's when all my troubles started. I called my friend and she told me what I should do. I tried it all, but to no avail. So she sent me the disks to reload the Mac OS X system. I tried to install the program, but kept having an error in the Asian language. After several attempts I got the Asian languages to load, then I had trouble with the media package. After another few attempts I got all to load. Then I started experiencing trouble with future upgrades, freezing of programs and other wierd stuff. So I decided to redo the Mac OS X. I had a lot of trouble and I could'nt get the install to work. Then I started getting a boot strap error and nothing worked after that. I remembered I had OS 9 on disk for an old computer and it worked, but now I can't get my printer to work because it is not 9.1 or higher.