I'm not even gonna go through the posts and quote stuff.
I'm just gonna point out the clear facts.
Annhilatus, you are acting like a troll. At first you had clear arguments and demanded facts and numbers. But then you just end up saying that Windows is the best OS ever and that EVERYONE who installs Linux regrets it?
That is utter complete bloody balderdash. (Ed cannot edit out English swear words

First of all, I know 4 people that run Linux and love it, and live by it, even if the first reason is to be anti-windows. But they have no problems because they are advanced users and know how to use it.
Second, there are Linux meet ups and conventions so I suppose all these people regret installing Linux?
Third, you say windows is super organized, with the running programs in the task bar, services in the tray, programs in the start menu, and complete directory control through DOS. Well Mac OS X has running programs in the dock, and all the programs available in the Applications Folder (which can also be in the dock), and a full UNIX command line which makes DOS look like a child's toy.
But those are just superficial UI elements. What about unistalling programs? In Windows, Can you remove Windows Media Player? No. It's not available in Add / Remove Programs and to try and manually delete it gives you a permission denied error.
When you try to uninstall a program in Windows you may get a warning saying "remove shared components? This may break other applications." So you of course click NO, and now you can never fully un-install something.
Installing a program on Mac OS X is as simple as "Drag this folder to your hard drive". To uninstall it, drag it to the trash. Makes Windows seem ridiculously complicated. I don't even know why they make installer programs for Mac OS X any more...
So while you may run Windows effortlessly because of your IQ of 146, most of that mental power is used in running and learning the intricacies of Windows. Just like a GeForce Graphics card takes a huge chunk of processing power away from the CPU, Mac OS X takes a huge chunk of mental power away from understanding the OS so that you can get your work done. To learn all the intricacies of Mac OS X would make you a UNIX guru, but it's completely unnecessary. The system just works, for anybody 2 years old to 98 years old, knowledgeable or computer illiterate. You can't say the same for Windows. You want facts? Compare the number of tech support calls that Microsoft gets compared to Apple. (Use ratios for an accurate percentage of course, since Microsoft has many more customers.)
Also, if your IQ is 146, you would know that ruinate is in fact an adjective, but is also a verb, depending on the context of the sentence and how you pronounce it, not that I give a flying rat intercourse.
And also, what you say about game developers making no money on mac is false. Of course, all games should be developed for PC since there is the larger customer base, but Apple has MILLIONS of gamers, too, and to spend the effort to release a mac version can ONLY help, not hurt, unless it's a company on a shoestring budget. It's only a matter of time until 90% of games come out on PC and Mac at the same time.
And Plastic (?) or whoever is talking about music piracy. Annihilatus is actually right... Napster did not hurt any artists, only helped them. Piracy in any form helps the artist or software developer. Piracy allows the user base of Photoshop to be 100 million instead of 10 million. 5% of the 90 million users who pirated are sure to buy it as soon as they can afford it. That's almost 5 million users BUYING photoshop because they had a chance to pirate it originally. Why do you think Adobe makes it so easy to copy Photoshop? They KNOW piracy increases their bottom line. Same with P2P and digital music downloads.
If Red Hot Chili Peppers comes out with a new album, I'm going to think that there's only 2 good songs out of 15 total. Why? Because that's how it is 90% of the time. If I can download all the songs for free, and they are ALL good, I'll definitely buy the CD. But I don't even buy CDs anymore. Why? Because the RIAA is an evil, greedy, evil, hateful empire. They had the music market's balls in a tight grip for years and now they're starting to lose it, big time. And their doing all they can to delay it, such as suing anyone and everyone that even BARELY makes a mistake (Judge Dredd style), and even going so low as to pollute gnutella with bogus files. Well it's too little too late. That evil, hateful, greedy empire is going down. Once they release their grip on the market, they'll allow sites to sell music legally for $1 a song, this is the future of the market! And hear low bitrate versions for free.
If I could hear all the tracks on the CD for free at a low bit rate, and I LOVED 5 of the songs only, I would sure as hell pay $5 for them, at a good bitrate, with no errors, and correct ID3 tags, instead of waste time looking for them. So would millions of other consumers. But the RIAA is too dumb and evil and greedy and hateful to see this and so screw it. I don't even buy CDs anymore unless I'm a rabid fan (I'll buy the next Tori Amos CD).
Lastly, this thread was just to say HOW MUCH faster my PC is than my 1.5 year old TiBook 400, but how the Mac OS is better in every way (in my opinion), but that the PC rules in speed and value for the money. The mac doesn't have a long way to go to be the technology and value and market leader now.... like I said, the tables are turning for Apple! Just give it a couple years for hardware to be awesome, games to be out at the same time, and oh man...... who wouldn't get a mac?