I did it! Bill would be proud!

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I finally did it! I gave up trying to develop back end database stuff with my Mac, and bought myself a used Dell w XP to use as a server.

I will never be limited again!!!!

As much as I love my two macs, I have one major beef, and oddly enough is not Apple's fault - I am tired of nobody creating new software for both platforms.

You can thank Macromedia (ColdFusion - an absolute pain to install on OSX), Microsoft (ASP), PHP Builder, and on a more multimedia slant Swift 3D, who is finally releasing a Mac OSX version this late Spring. There's more, but that's all I can think off the top of my head.

OSX is way better than OS9 (Webstar w Lasso Studio - yech!), but it just isn't happening fast enough for me.

I held out for sooooo long, but eventually caved.

Anybody else?
You ARE lame. what backend database can you install on a windowsXP server that will do things you can't do, with a backend dB on OSX? And of course, what good's a dB if the server keep crashing?
Originally posted by slo
I finally did it! I gave up trying to develop back end database stuff with my Mac, and bought myself a used Dell w XP to use as a server.

I will never be limited again!!!!

As much as I love my two macs, I have one major beef, and oddly enough is not Apple's fault - I am tired of nobody creating new software for both platforms.

You can thank Macromedia (ColdFusion - an absolute pain to install on OSX), Microsoft (ASP), PHP Builder, and on a more multimedia slant Swift 3D, who is finally releasing a Mac OSX version this late Spring. There's more, but that's all I can think off the top of my head.

OSX is way better than OS9 (Webstar w Lasso Studio - yech!), but it just isn't happening fast enough for me.

I held out for sooooo long, but eventually caved.

Anybody else?


I can't stop laughing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


You should get a life instead of Dell+XP! :rolleyes: :p

So how about people giving good solutions instead of hating his decision? I don't know anything about backend whatever so I can't help I'm afraid :(
It's funny how nobody here will admit that XP is simply better. Once you 'cave in' and notice what programs are suddenly available to you, you start to ask questions about OS X. Also, when you notice how fast everything is, it's like the last bullet through OS X's heart. Panther can be faster and have new 'INCREDIBLE' features like the piles, but it will always be second in support. To be honest, I find that even Linux is better than OS X.
Originally posted by cellfish
It's funny how nobody here will admit that XP is simply better. Once you 'cave in' and notice what programs are suddenly available to you, you start to ask questions about OS X. Also, when you notice how fast everything is, it's like the last bullet through OS X's heart. Panther can be faster and have new 'INCREDIBLE' features like the piles, but it will always be second in support. To be honest, I find that even Linux is better than OS X.

programs SUDDENLY available for you ? SHOW ME ONE PROGRAM BETTER THAN iTUNES ON THE PC!!!!.wheres AAC on the PC ? show me one BETTER PROGRAM THAN iPHOTO for the PC !!! show me a better program than TOAST TITANIUM on the pc (and dont tell me roxio easy cd creator cause ive used it and it sucks) ...

and ABOVE all that , i want all those [ programs suddenly available to you] to be stable, and in an OS that is stable and crash-proof!!!

and if u think XP is fast. lets see how fast it would be if it had a GUI like OS X .
Let's just nog get worked up by trolls here :-)

Does anybody have any ideas for the real problem at hand: Backwhatever Database or sth like that :-) (I can't spell it, let alone solve it :-))
Well, there is no real solution. Or it depends. If you can go mysql instead of MS-SQL or Access - then do so. But if you have clients that are heavily dependant on MS' software, you need to have at least a cheap PC beside your Macs to test or set up.
There are so many databases available to OSX, that you have no reason for switching based on that alone.
You have MySQL(good for most medium sized things), PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many others.

The only thing available on Windoze is MSSQL Server, which is about the crappiest database server there is.

I know, I've had to use it for school. The POS couldn't even handle the end of year load when students were scrambling to finish their projects. And this was with a limit of 10 open connections at a time on the MSSQL Server.::ha::

Of course an MS technology like ASP won't run on OSX:rolleyes:
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
programs SUDDENLY available for you ? SHOW ME ONE PROGRAM BETTER THAN iTUNES ON THE PC!!!!.wheres AAC on the PC ? show me one BETTER PROGRAM THAN iPHOTO for the PC !!! show me a better program than TOAST TITANIUM on the pc (and dont tell me roxio easy cd creator cause ive used it and it sucks) ...

and ABOVE all that , i want all those [ programs suddenly available to you] to be stable, and in an OS that is stable and crash-proof!!!

and if u think XP is fast. lets see how fast it would be if it had a GUI like OS X .

To say that OSX is crash-proof is a lie and ignorant. I've been using my Mac for a while and I always get scared to start a project with Microsoft Word because it always crashes on OS X. Here's where you suggest I not use Microsoft Word and try one of the many alternatives in OS X in the form of AppleWorks which is the most ridiculous garbage I have ever seen, OpenOffice that doesn't work outside of X11 or some cheap office suite some pimply-faced teenager made available on sourceforge. Better than iTunes? Gee I dunno, Windows Media Player is already better than iTunes. It plays video, it downloads album art, you can add tons of codecs to it and it's fast. The visualizations are excellent and numberous. It displays videos smoothly that Quicktime struggles with. Oh, it doesn't put MP3's into their own directory but most people don't care and/or find that option annoying anyway. Windows doesn't support AAC? Oh god, who cares? AAC is a proprietary format as it is and most music files are MP3 anyway. Apparently the quality is better on AAC but lots of people will debate that.

Besides, I don't know where you guys come up with it but XP is crash-proof for me. Ever since I got my Athlon XP 2200+ a few weeks back, my computer has only been restarted for system updates. Aside from that, it has always been on.
Same here, crash-proof means memory protection, which means you'll never have to restart your system cause when something crashes, for example Microsoft Word, only Word will be affected and nothing else. That's what the system tells you. Program X has unexpectedly quit, no other system functions have been damaged or whatever (sth like that, I don't remember).

You can debate about anything being better or worse than sth else. Personally I like MS Office over AppleWorks, iTunes is way better than anything I've used on PC (and I can know, I worked in a computerstore for several months in a computer store and everyone was jealous of iTunes), and so on ... That's not the point right? You use what you like, you explain why you like it, but for crying out loud, why try to change somebody's idea on sth if they've already made a choice. Scott pointed this out ages ago on some thread I don't remember. If you've already made up your mind, why go looking for arguments to use the other if you're not planning on using them.

i have two short points to make
one - why do you think we care that you got a ms box? im sure that lots of us have a computer running windows somewhere within our grasp because there are some thing you just cannot do on a mac. but is it database management? i doubt it, most real database work is hosted/created/served off linux or unix based machines (i would guess, i don't have any support for that statement). oh wow os x is based on freebsd unix, used on a whole lot of unix database servers.
two : why would bill be proud of you? do you think he keeps tabs on the hundreds of millions of windows users out there? mabye he watches over the said five million or so mac users out there, but wait... wouldn't mr. gates have something better to do with his billions of dollars?
not to belittle you, but why not post about the two mac's that you love on the mac form and save the pc you bought to do work for a peecee board after you try to put in some memory and the thing burns down...
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
what is a troll ?

According to the new edition of Internet World Dictionary dating 18-05-2003 (it is THAT new, what do you know! :rolleyes: ) :

-> Troll = Cellfish <-

Also, it mentions some other explanations and more specific descriptions (read names) but for now, the above one, will (more than enough) do just fine... :rolleyes: ;) :)
If it wasn't mentioned before, a troll is someone who purposefully starts arguments and is out to get people mad. For instance, like going to a Mac forum and trying to get us mad by saying Macs suck...just to see if people will get hotheaded.

Pardon the double post, but trolls are also people that start never ending arguments...such as Mac vs. PC, Playstation vs. Xbox etc etc (Dont worry I am not forgetting Nintendo! ;) )

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