How can you have trouble understanding an OS that puts the "Shut Down" command in the "Start" menu?
Actually, I think the key here is that MS has built a unique position for themselves. Most companies market a product by telling their customers how or why it is better than competing products. MS has somehow managed to create a mindset where there ARE no competing products. Most people who use a computer don't even know that there are other OS's.
Worse yet, people don't realise when they are being fed utter #@$@. They don't question anything their computer tells them, simply becuase there is no concept in their minds that a computer could mislead them. And they accept crashes without question, becuase they believe that crashes are a part of computing life.
And, yes, I have extensively used Windows XP in a work environment, as well as previous versions such as NT and have even written programs for CE. Only MS could design a palm-PC that can crash on a regular basis. I've also used Linux and Sun unix systems (which are fantastic) and mainframe systems (which are simply overwhelming)
Anyhow, don't get too stressed over it, Androo. Just enjoy your experience with your mac, and rather than trying to fly at PC users at top speed, just get them to question the quality of their systems, the promises and track-record of MS, and the possibility of other options. Let them find their own path, and then they'll truly understand.