I got to see Episode II today!

lol thanks :P
I saw a great part of the empire strikes back too but was too tired to see the finale :p --- oh well. so Han Solo is dead for good eh??? So what will happen in the sequels ? :p

also does luke know how to make a lightsabre or is he a whining kid that just inherited it from obi wan ? :p

hmmm another thing, who the heck restores that big senate thingy from the fantom menace ?:P ...

Admiral, I think you need to watch the whole thing to answer your questions. ulrik's synopsis was a bit.... different from the version that I (and the rest of the world ;) ) saw.

Luke did in fact make a new lightsaber before Return of the Jedi took place. He lost his old one when Vader cut off his hand in Empire.
Originally posted by nkuvu
Ulrik, could you do Phantom Menace next? :D

Well, I don't remember that much about that movie since my brain stopped working after the first two shots with Jar Jar, but I'll give my best.

The movie starts with Qui-Gon Gin-Deng-Dong and Obi Wan 'Ben' Kenobi who are trying to solve the situation on the planet Naboo. The people of Naboo are believed to sell wheed under-price to the native people, the Gungangs, so they can afford their cleaning crews who clean their ships 24/7 (later, you even see that while in space, they have cleaning droids which even clean the ship during a battle). Well, the trade federation - main distributor of wheed in the old republic - gets a bit pissed and starts a blockade of the planet. Sadly, they send the wrong ships to Naboo, so now the blockade is hold up by two, gay, french aliens...but well.
The Jedis get there to solve the situation but as soon as the Trade Federation starts to fill the room they are in with wheed smoke, these idiots think it is gas and starts to kill and destroy everything. After some game of "My lightsaber is longer than your armored door", they Jedis have to retreat to the planet Naboo where they meet the native Gungan called Jar Jar. Like the rest of his race, this guy is permanently stoned, talking shit like somebody is constantly hammering a nine inch nail through the parts which make him a male Gungan. After some more lightsaber swinging and ship cleaning they kidnap the princess so that she doesn't get addicted to drugs and flee, but they forget to take polish with them, so they have to land on Tatooine to get more polish wax so the ships stays clean.
There, they meet a young boy who has AIDS or something, I can't remember exactly, something with his blood (or he is constantly drunk or something, I really can't remember). They fool his mother that they want to train him on some umba-lumpa-jedi-school and leave...snatching one more slave to clean the ship (they lost some cleaining droids during an attack).
After they land to Coruscant to refuel and to start a revolution, they head back to Naboo since they realized that they are already addicted to wheed and need more. There, all hell broke loose since people with funny colors in their face walk around with two-bladed lightsabrers, killing stuff and smoking more wheed.
After a very confusing battle between stupid robots, stoned Gungans, addicted Jedis and Bobo the clown (or Darth Maul or something like that) Qui Gon Jin Deng Dang Sai Mai Tai dies, and now Obi Wan has to care about the little ship-cleaner...uh....Anakin. He is still stoned and gets the crazy idea that this boy might become a POWERFULL Jedi and promises him (I think he is also drunk in this shot) to train him, against the will of the Jedi council.

That's pretty much the plot of Episode 1, isn't it???
Originally posted by ulrik
That's pretty much the plot of Episode 1, isn't it???

You copied that from the beginning of the movie! Look at this shot, it reads just like your post!


  • starwars1.gif
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Good one, Racer :D

You forgot "If you can read this, you don't need glasses"...

hey, that would be something for the movie quotes thread :p
Originally posted by googolplex
Whatever they do the movie will still be PG.... :)

But it does look really really good, just from the trailers.

From the pre-orded tickets that I'm holding now it says the film is rated PG-13...I was surprised....
I got to see Episode II merchandise today!!


Actually, I am pretty disgusted at how much movies are cross-marketed these days. Episode II lunch boxes, candies, TV guides, magazines, toys, drinks, chips, cereal, et cetera et cetera ad nauseum. Very nauseum.
I have a box of Episode II cereal in my cupboard. Had some for breakfast. Kix + Marshmallows.
Rinse, you didn't bring your digital cam, record the whole movie, MPEG-4 encode it and post it here?! ;)

Ulrik, eh, was Han Solo killed in Return of the Jedi? I can't remember that... Are you sure?
Originally posted by ksv
Rinse, you didn't bring your digital cam, record the whole movie, MPEG-4 encode it and post it here?! ;)

Ulrik, eh, was Han Solo killed in Return of the Jedi? I can't remember that... Are you sure?

No... no taping was done. By anyone there. They had security.

If harrison ford had has his way, he would have.