I have final Panther (10.3-7b85)


Guys, I was able to get my hands on this. It is simply amazing.

Here are so quick faqs that I'll go over:

Mail: One of my favorite new updates. Its quick and has new sounds added. The new thread feature is amazing. Apple did a great job with this.

Installation: When installing 10.3 the apps cd actually installs IE from the second disc. Thought that was kinda different that how it was done in the past.

FileVault seems to be a cool feature. I'm going to encrypt my Home folder tonight. It takes 25 minutes and you cannot do anything while that is in the process. Oh- I'm running g4 700 15 inch imac. To give you an idea of how fast the encryption process is - also it depends on how many documents you have that need encypting.

System Prefs: Clean!! Its better than before. Expose is great. however I like how it worked with the developers preview before. Now when you select to show your desktop - a a dimmed border surrounds the screen and your apps are off the edge of the dimmed area. I'd prefer them to go completely off the screen like before. So this made me like it less...but to view all windows is great.

There is no internet icon in system prefs now.

When setting up your user name there is a new video at the beginning with song. It's the video that is posted somewhere on this forum. It's exactly the same one. It's not a fake. Also - after the video is done it cubes out (I.E. Keynote cube transition/or Fast User Switch cube) it made me smile and happy that I am an Apple customer.

The finder is much nicer, but will take some getting use to.

Everything in this is very fast. G3 users will see a big difference in speed.

Anyone have questions? Let me know.
how does it work with ram? if it's a lot faster, would you attribute it partially to memory, or does it just seem to be more optimized than jaguar?
All you've written is already in 7B80.

Anyway, I've tried 7B85 and it seems little bit faster. Nothing else.

I didn't find any bug on 7B80 and no one on 7B85, so I think it could be really a GM.
It must be more optimized than jaguar. I only have 384 ram and i have have 7 videos running at a time and still not bogging down the system.
Apple will not be seeding this to developers. Next release will be purchased through stores. No option for Brushed metal finder. So sorry.
when you open about this mac - it first says version 10.3. click it and then says build 7B85. Click again and gives the serial number.
No GM version has ever said "GM" in its About Box, AFAIK. I'll have this later tonight. I've skipped all of the updates since 7B59, so this will be a welcome change.
why would it run faster for G3 comps? (not compared to other procs, but compared to other os for G3 machines)
Why would it not run faster on a G3?
It just does if you have enough memory even a 233 mHz machine runs much faster (I have one running B74 and it runs great).
It seems that they optimized the OS to perform even better then 10.2 allready did.
Im installing now, and i have noticed that it wont let you upgrade from say 7b68 that i was using. Im assuming i will have to install my 10.2 retail and update from that?
Here is my only question for Panther...

If you are logged in, and your screensaver is locked because you left for the afternoon, can another user on the system, switch to another user account w/o having to logout or mess with that session?

The way it is now... I have this program that runs that basically allows you to kill the current logged in session. Sometimes I will run outside for something, come back in and my wife sat down and exited my entire login session... disposing of whatever apps I had opened or was working on.

I just hope this doesn't have to continue with 10.3.
Okay this is a difficult one to answer. If the computer is set up to run a screen saver and its password protected you cannot log them out or switch to a new user. However... there is an option which you can select that if a member has been inactive for 60 minutes it will log them out of the computer. Another simple option is you could just reboot the computer via the power button :)
Originally posted by Pippin
Im installing now, and i have noticed that it wont let you upgrade from say 7b68 that i was using. Im assuming i will have to install my 10.2 retail and update from that?

That's odd, 7B80 let me upgrade from 7B53 with no problems...
I'm in the process of getting Panther right now. I won't have Disk 2 until tomorrow. Do I have to use disk 2 immediately? Or can I use the CD after the installation if I tell the installer not to do any 3rd Party Apps.
Ripcord, that's not odd, it's a sign that it's at least a final candidate build. From the very beginning of Panther's development, it said you won't be able to upgrade a development build to the GM build of Panther. Just like Jaguar and Puma before. I expected this to happen with final candidate builds and thus assumed that even 7B80 was not an FC build. Seems I was right. ;-) ... Right now, connect.apple.com is down, which means Apple is updating the dev seed server, I guess... GM builds usually ARE seeded to ADC Select and Premier members, so I guess it's coming. We'll see whether 7B85 is final or not very soon.
well, the reason I was wondering, why 10.3 should be fastest os for the G3 as well, was that as I got everything by now, 10.3 is optimized for G4 and G5 systems. There are things like quartz-extreme I can't use on my G3 machine (because of the graphiccard). So, still: why would it be faster? did anyone test it? Or is it just some kind of assumption that since it's running so fast on G4 machines, it should do so on G3 as well?
On new iBooks should be ok... they have a good graphic card!

On old PM G3s... change the G.Card if you can...