I lost the Prepare CD option?


Hey, I've had this problem for a while since I upgraded to jaguar...

before jaguar i could insert a cd.. prepare it then be able to drag and drop files onto the cd's icon on the desktop...

since installing jaguar I dont get the Prepare CD option and cant get the cd icon on the desktop for drag and drop file burning..

whats the deal?

btw, macosx.com is the best!

I think that Jaguar does it on the fly, because I've done data disks, music cds, and mp3 disks with no problems at all. In fact, I've had fewer problems with various PCs and stereo systems reading my disks since upgrading to Jaguar.

I don't the technical part of the answer. I leave that for the others.
see the thing is after inserting a blank cd I have no way to put files on the cd other then using a 3rd party program like Toast Titanium ... I want the ICON for the blank cd back on my desktop so I can drag and drop to it.. and yes I did check my desktop settings and I have it showing everything... (hardisk, cds etc).

before this problem i would insert a blank cd.. a window would pop up asking me If i want to prepare the cd, open finder, open itunes, open disk copy... I would then select Prepare cd name it and it would do its prepare process and put an icon symbolizing my blank cd on the desktop... i could then drag and drop to the cd.. then tell MAC OSX (not a third party program) to burn and eject the cd...

Now i just select Finder and then i name the cd hit ok and nothing happens.. the CD doesnt appear on the desktop

thanks for the help so far.. please keep it coming :)

Go to the CD's and DVD's preferences pane, and select the option you want... Probably you have this set to "Ignore" now...
No, in preferences it says "Ask what to do" and on the Finder preferences I have it showing the removeable media and devices.... cds with data allready written on them show up.. blank cds do not show up on the desktop


It could be that the CD burner isn't supported anymore. This happened to me. My CD burner worked fine with 10.1.x, I could burn like you're saying, but when I updated to 10.2, my CD burner wasn't supported anymore. Big bummer for me. Good thing I did get Toast after all. ;)

It's pretty easy to check. Open up Apple System Profiler (/Applications/Utilities), hit the Devices & Volumes tab, find where your burner is at and hit the triangle next to it to see the info on it. The first line will tell you if CD burning is supported or not.
My CDRW is Fully Supported.. I can burn cd's no problem in toast
I want to do it with mac osx's built in software.. ie. drag and drop files to the cd icon on the desktop and eject the cd to burn it..

I'm having exactly the same problem. I went into System Preferences and clicked the CDs and DVDs tab. Changed the action to "Ask what to do". I get the old message about naming the CD, etc.

I name it, then I get this error:

"The operation could not be completed. An unexpected error occurred (error code -536870208)."

I dont get any errors just nothing happens... still having the problem btw so this is a bump

Klaze, maybe a dumb question, but have you changed prefs to "Open Finder"?

Also, make sure Toast isn't running.


P.S. Isn't Toast MUCH faster, though? That's what I've found.
Probelm solved.

I reinstalled os 10.2.1 and the cd burner was fine again. I guess it must of been a bad installation of 10.2.3 that did it. Anyway, I upgraded to 10.2.6 and everything works great again.
Doesn't toast interfere with certain Finder CD burning functions? Do you have latest update for Toast? If you prefer the functionality of the Finder compared to speed and versatility of Toast, then uninstall Toast, maybe that's where that Finder function went.
Have you tried reinstalling, as pantosj said that worked for him? Perhaps something in the upgrade process went screwy.

Have you tried anything else? You never indicated whether you checked System Profiler, it sounded more like you assumed that your drive was supported because Toast worked.