I love the new hover feature!!!!

well, i'm still in jag and it simply doesn't work for me. i could leave the cursor over a link for hours and it wouldn't happen. no such phenomenon here.
Ed, that's too bad, because I think it would annoy you and you seem to be a man of action! ;)

Is there someway to make it an option? It may be a bandwidth thing, fine on broadband, but it really creates a vacuum with my connection.
only appeared for me when I upgraded to safari 1.2 last week, I like it, I first noticed this when I tried out Camino a while back
The hover attribute that really bugs me is the one on the Post Quick Reply button.
If your browser supports title, then hold your mouse over the button at the bottom of the post's. Evidently the accesskey for the form is F5, but the title is put into windows and reads (Alt + F5).
I don't think any of us use pc's!
Well, vBulletin (along with most of the forum software packages out there) is written with PC's in mind, and probably written on Wintel machines. They're almost all probably PC-biased.
mr. k said:
The hover attribute that really bugs me is the one on the Post Quick Reply button.
If your browser supports title, then hold your mouse over the button at the bottom of the post's. Evidently the accesskey for the form is F5, but the title is put into windows and reads (Alt + F5).
I don't think any of us use pc's!

Replace "alt" with control! and they work!!!!
uh, isn't the option key known as alt?

***edit, but in this case the it is the ctrl key that replaces the alt key... :D
The feature annoys me as well, making it an option would be nice .. but I'm not sure it could be easily implemented.
I like the thought of adding an icon for the hover-effect (so the title attribute would only be applied to that icon instead of the actual title), because it really _does_ get in the way...
Or if it at least was only applied to the title instead of the whole bl**dy table cell! End of rant. ;-)
:D did you just bleep out the word "bloody" ? :confused:

Anyways, I guess hovering over the header would be better than the box
I'm new here, and this feature is driving me insane! Seems like I'm not alone. I hope someone will be able to make this an option, or tweak the behavior as some users have suggested.

In the meantime, I've written a machete script for PithHelmet that removes the offending 'title' properties. It's not perfect, but its flaws don't produce any visual or behavioral problems in Safari, so...I don't care. :)

It requires PithHelmet, which means it only works with Safari.

I've attached the script here, all zipped up. Create site preferences in PithHelmet for macosx.com, give it this machete script, and you're good to go. It'll filter the popups that display message text and "replies: x views: x". It should leave all others intact.

Let me know how you like it.


This has become more of a bother to me as we go along - but today I chanced upon a simple solution. In Tiger at least, I can open a link in a new tab even when not in the program. So I click on the desktop (entering finder) and then peruse the list of threads. I can control click on any link I'm interested in. When I get to the bottom of the list, I click on the safari window, hit spacebar to scroll down a page and then click in finder again. Bye-bye yellow popup!