I made the switch, and don't think I will ever go back.


Hello, I was a windows user since windows 3.1. But, this past summer I made the switch from windows to Mac. I got tired of all the spyware, viruses, illegal operation popups, BSOD, the so called services that are supposed to make windows xp operate faster which run in the background. They only made things slower. And how much faster a windows PC would become obsolete compared to the lifetime of a mac. I bought an ibook, and WOW!!!, I was blown away, all I could think of is Why didn't I switch sooner, or even start off with a mac in the first place. It's simple design, OS9 and OSX both are amazing. All I can say is anyone who has ever questioned Windows, or is planning on buying a computer "GO WITH A MAC"
For sure. I used to be stuck on Windows and while I do still use it for things like my old business DBs, I almost always use Mac now. The only thing I have ever for that I don't like about Macs is that you can't hibernate. However, sleep works nearly as well.
Nice move man. I too used windows for many years, and before that DOS, my dad is a computer nut. I got a Macbook this month and it too is awesome. I still like to play games on my PC, but that's about it.
That's not the same thing, though. If we _had_ a hibernate function, you could force your Mac to really power down everytime you close the lid. All Safe Sleep does is _part_ of hibernation, i.e. if you let it sleep and then wait too long so the battery dies in sleep mode, you can then connect to power and un-hibernate that Mac.
Apple switching to Intel processors and discovering Parallels cinched the switch for me. I still have a few Windows apps I must run until I can find suitable OS X versions.
Nice to ignore all the Vista hoopla and the ever present 'Buy a copy of Vista or else' syndrome.
I have a Mac Mini for now but will get a Mac Pro when Leopard is released and the models upgrade.
what software you looking to find osx equivelent for? sure we can help you out with suggestions :)
I still have to use Windows XP only for my electronics app. Multisim, I need it for school. other than that I use OS X.
Multisim is a electronic circuit simulator, I can build circuits, test them, and diagnose them virtually. I am a finishing my last year at college, I am a computer and electronic technician. I already have my certificate, but now I was just finishing off my degree in computer and Electronic interfacing, I needed that app for my classes. Electronics Workbench Makes the App.
I got tired of all the spyware, viruses, illegal operation popups, BSOD, the so called services that are supposed to make windows xp operate faster which run in the background.

I just spent an hour with my friends Dad trying to figure out why his PC keeps hanging. He turned to me in complete frustration and said, "Why is this happening?" I explained and think he will convert:)
AWSOME! Welcome to the Forums! Macs are awsome. You made the right choice. Hope your loving you mac! I infected my Macbook with winxp just for those few programs i have and my external DVD burner. but other then that i never use windows. :-p