I need help with a Western Digital Caviar 160 GB Hard Drive...


I purchased a Western Digital Caviar advanced IDE 160GB hard drive, and trying to use it as my second start up drive. I have a G5 dual 2.0 with 3.5GB ram running OSX 10.4.6.

I used my laptop to install OSX "Tiger".

If I have the jumper set to Slave, it'll pop up on my desktop, but if I change the jumper to Master (which is where it should be so that it boots up as the master drive), it doesn't pop up on the desktop.

What can I do to make it work? I've tried putting the jumper on every pin, and nothing worked except the Slave.

Thanks in advance.
Do you mean you want to have 2 startup disks? as in say OS9 on one and OSX on the other, so you can boot into each drive separately?

For IDE, on the same cable and port on the logic board, you need to have one drive set as Master and the other has to be set as Slave.
You may be able to use CS or Cable Select for both drives, but I have always found this to be unreliable (On PC's though, I don't know about Mac handling of CS.)

To change startup discs, use Startup Disk in Preferences.
First of all, the G5 machines use SATA for the primary hard drive bus, which require no jumpers at all... I do believe there's an IDE/PATA bus for the optical drive, though, so if you're using that for the drive, then "Slave" is the correct setting for the WD 160GB drive, since the optical drive would already be set to "Master."

It may also work with the "CS" or "Cable Select" setting -- best to check what the optical drive is jumpered as and use that information to correctly set the jumper on the WD 160GB drive.
Ok let me explain. I do music production, so I have a total of 6 drives. 2 internal SATA, 2 external SATA connected to a SATA card, and 2 FW external drives. This has been working without a problem for over 2 years. Yesterday I bought the WD 160GB drive. I'm beta testing software, and need to install a new system on that drive. I did install Tiger using my laptop, cause my G5 wouldn't see the drive. When I connected the drive back on the G5, the only way it would appear on the desktop is if I had the jumper set to Slave, but in this mode, it will not boot up as the Master.

In Slave mode, when I go to Startup Disk in Preferences, I set it to the new drive, but it still doesn't boot up. The computer just hangs.

Any thoughts as to what it might be?

Thanks again.
First, it's an IDE drive, now it's firewire?
If it's a firewire external drive, why are you changing the jumpers?
Please make up your mind.
jh2112 said:
First, it's an IDE drive, now it's firewire?
If it's a firewire external drive, why are you changing the jumpers?
Please make up your mind.

Please explain, cause I don't understand what you mean. Are you saying that changing the jumper makes no difference if it's connected via firewire? I was under the impression that it had to be set to Master in order for it to take precedence.

Are the jumpers "only" for internal installation?