Uduckhead said:
With Tiger coming out, I've been wanting to really improve the efficiency of my old 800mhz iMac G4. I used System Optimizer, but I can't really tell if that did anything. Are there any quick tips or progs that could help just clean things up in general?
You may have a RAM shortage. Are you having many, or excessively long spinning, SBBOSs? Are your having excessive pageouts? If yes to these questions, then, as mentioned, you may have a RAM shortage. If not, then adding RAM would not help noticeably if at all.
Shutting down once is a good idea. But, generally speaking, over a longish period of time, you can speed things up by not shutting down--to allow OS X to store more frequently called for instructions in its buffer cache.
Before defragmenting, I would
read here. In extreme cases, defragmentation can enhance performance, but under normal circumstances it might acutally hurt performance.
I would do some basic maintenance/troubleshooting:
1. Empty the trash, and clear all browser caches;
2. Repair disk and repair permissions (
go here);
3. Run the 3 periodic maintenance (cron) scripts (see above link);
4. Update the prebinding (see above link);
4. Use a program, such as Cocktail, to clear the system- and user-cache files; and
5. Use a program, such as Font Finagler or DeepSix, to purge font-cache files.
There are other maintenance task you could perform, such as checking for corrupt preference files and deleting log files, but those mentioned above should give you a good start on getting some basic maintenance/troubleshooting done.