I returned Tiger to Apple today

i've not had crashing probelems. illustrator crashed a lot, but i was working on files with 3000+ psd's in, so it was bringing the computer down to it's knees anyway.

it has, i've noticed, not had that massive leap in speed everyone else has had. someone said this was more apparent on G5s - people on G3/G4s have noticed the biggest leap. which kind of sucks - i mean tiger was supposed to be the 64bit system to support all the new 64bit G5's...

i have dual 1.8
Running Tiger on a G4 eMac, Clean install, installed printer & mouse drivers, iLife 4 then 3rd party software 1 at a time after checking the various sites for updates. NO MS Software, Hacks or any antivirus.

I do not have any programs crashing.
Honestly I'd check your own computer and 3rd party vendors before blaming Apple for everything.

Yes there are a few minor glitches but nothing here to jump up & down about.
And you imported _no_ files, no settings etc.? (those with problems). Basically, the general rules for Mac OS X troubleshooting apply: Before crying, try with a clean user setup. Install NO settings, no files, just the OS and the apps. If _that_ works, the problems lie in your user settings etc. For problems with third party applications, call their support or go to their support website. If Apple's own apps don't run well, I'm _pretty_ sure it's something with your user preferences (~/Library/Preferences).

For me: No problems at all in Tiger. And I don't consider myself just lucky. I've had tested about 4 or 5 builds quite thoroughly, both as clean installs _without_ bringing my files over as well as upgrade installs from 10.3.7, 10.3.8 and as of 8A420 I upgraded my real system to Tiger and just updated from build to build. ONE problem persisted (some copy/paste and drag/drop issue with Illustrator) but that was gone once I trashed Illu's prefs, so it wasn't a Tiger issue, really.

I personally think Tiger's not especially flawed. Not more than 10.2.0, 10.3.0 anyway. And I think you'll be happier _solving_ the problems with your particular computer/user account than giving Tiger back, buying it again at 10.4.2 (for example) and then noticing that your problems persist (should they be part of your user folder).
Hmmm, somthing I just noticed. Is anyone else who's having problems running dual processors? Is anyone running dual processors without a hitch?

Me! dual 2.0, 3g ram, 74g 10,000rpm hd (boot) & 250g stock hd, 200g firewire external hd (backup), Adobe CS, 4000+ fonts, Office X (don't use entourage), etc...

A couple of hiccups, but now all is well (except for I was cleaning up my fonts, and I think I deleted a required font... if anyone has a list of which fonts are installed where on a default Tiger install, I would appreciate it!).

Spotlight took about half an hour to index... that was including the backup drive! The whole system runs noticably faster, especially Safari, haven't checked Firefox yet.

I did an Archive and Install.
Tiger Font Collections in Font Book~ (User Library but not the fonts themselves)

Chinese ~ BiauKai / Hei / Kai / LiHei Pro / LiSong Pro / STFangsong / STHeiti / STKaiti / STSong / Apple LiGothic / Apple LiSung.

Classic ~ Baskerville / Big Caslon / Cochin / Copperplate / Didot.

Fixed Width ~ Anadale Mono / Courier / Courier New / Monaco.

Fun ~ American Typewriter / Herculanum / Marker Felt / Papyrus / Zapfino.

Japanese ~ Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro / Hiragino Gothic Standard. Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro / Hiragino Mincho Pro.

Korean ~ Gung seo / HeadLineA / PCMyungjo / PilGi / AppleGothic / AppleMyungjo.

Modern ~ Futura / Gill Sans / Helvetica Neue / Optima.

PDF ~ Courier / Helvetica / Symbol / Times / Zapf Dingbats.

Web ~ Anadale Mono / Ariel / Ariel Black / Brushscript MT / Comic Sans MS / Georgia / Impact / Times New Roman / Trebuchet MS / Verdana / Webdings.

All Fonts in Main Library.
Later :-)
Main Library Fonts
#Gungseouche.dfont / #HeadlineA.dfont / #PCmyoungjo.dfont / #Pilgiche.dfont

AlBayan.ttf also Bold / American Typewriter.dfont / Anadale Mono / Apple Chancery.dfont / Apple LiSung Light.dfont / Apple Symbols.ttf / Apple Myungjo.dfont / Ariel+Black, Narrow, Rounded Bold, HB, HBBold.ttf / Ayuthaya.ttf

Baghdad.ttf / Baskerville.dfont /BiauKai.dfont / Big Caslon.dfont / BrushScript.

Chalkboard+Bold.ttf / CharcoalCY.dfont / Cochin.dfont / Comic Sans MS / Copperplate,dfont / Corsiva+Bold.ttf / Courier New

DekoTypeNaskh.ttf / DevangariMT + Bold.ttf / Didot.dfont.

EuphemiaCASBold+Italic+Regular.ttf / Futura.dfont

GenevaCY.dfont / Georgia / GillSans.dfont / GujaratiMT+Bold.ttf / Gurmukhi.ttf.

HelveticaCY.dfont / HeliveticaNeue.dfont / Herculanum.dfont / Hoefler Text.dfont.

Impact / InaiMathi.ttf / Kai.dfont / Krungthep.ttf / KufiStandarGK.ttf

MarkerFelt.dfont / Maynard / MshtakanBold+BoldOblique+Oblique+Regular.ttf

Nadeem.ttf / NewPeninimMT+Bold+BoldInclined+Inclined.ttf / NISC18030.ttf

Optima.dfont / Papyrus.dfont / PlantagenetCherokee.ttf

Raanana+Bold.ttf / Sathu.ttf / Silcom.ttf / Skia.dfont

Thonburi.ttf / Times New Roman / Trebuchet MS

Verdana / Webdings / Zapfino.dfont

4 more that I can't type :-)

Hope you find it.
I don't use Font Book (I have it disabled since I use a third-party font manager, but your second post was part of what I needed... you are cool for typing all that out :-)

The Tech Support here provided me with a list for System/Library/Fonts, so between the both of you, I'm set.

Thanks again!
Running a dual 1.8 with some minor issues. Only crashes I have seen are in Safari which does it on a regular basis. Creative Suite and Office 2004seem stable, but I am agrieved that I have got to update my copy of Apple Remote Desktop.

Backwards compatability is essential especially when you want corperate ernvironments to upgrade and Apple seem complete unable to deliver this even with some of their own applications. If you think this is an unreasonable comment, just take moment to think what your comments would be about Longhorn if it suffers similar problems on its much delayed release ?
I had my HD split into 3 partitions, removing the partitions seems to have solved my problems. Anyone else running good with a partitioned HD? I sure would like my system on a seperate drive.
I love these guys who whine about all of their apps crashing and saying it's Apple's fault with their new OS. Tiger Rocks Guys! Get rid of those cracks and most of all like one member stated... remove added RAM. Taking the OS back for a refund when you're just gonna rebuy it, tells me that you don't have your priorities straight and have WAY too much time on your hands. I have one problem with tiger... it's taking too much of my time with enjoying it and it's speed! I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and have noticed a HUGE speed improvement. Also got a powerbook 1.5 and no probs there. As for M$ and them not getting on the ball for updates to their software, one word... longhorn
My two cents: I always, always wait for at least x.x.1 or x.x.2 minor releases before I bother buying a new MacOS...usually things like this are resolved by then.

Naturally any new product will have bugs that need to be ironed out because no development team can accurately reproduce every single real-world system setup.

And I have heard of various wireless problems with Tiger.
Running fine here, clean install, only iApps, CS and MX 2004 collection installed. Also have my HD partitioned. iBook G3 800 *shrugs*
eyerhyme said:
I love these guys who whine about all of their apps crashing and saying it's Apple's fault with their new OS. Tiger Rocks Guys! Get rid of those cracks and most of all like one member stated... remove added RAM. Taking the OS back for a refund when you're just gonna rebuy it, tells me that you don't have your priorities straight and have WAY too much time on your hands. I have one problem with tiger... it's taking too much of my time with enjoying it and it's speed! I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and have noticed a HUGE speed improvement. Also got a powerbook 1.5 and no probs there. As for M$ and them not getting on the ball for updates to their software, one word... longhorn
Haha...sorry, that was funny. It's technology man...stuff occasionally doesn't work and for the people that returned Apple it was to much that wasn't working for whatever reason. They are more than entitled to return it if they choose...it's their money.

Please remind me again of how this translates to somebody not having their priorities straight and having "WAY" to much time on their hands.
eyerhyme said:
I love these guys who whine about all of their apps crashing and saying it's Apple's fault with their new OS. Tiger Rocks Guys! Get rid of those cracks and most of all like one member stated... remove added RAM. Taking the OS back for a refund when you're just gonna rebuy it, tells me that you don't have your priorities straight and have WAY too much time on your hands. I have one problem with tiger... it's taking too much of my time with enjoying it and it's speed! I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and have noticed a HUGE speed improvement. Also got a powerbook 1.5 and no probs there. As for M$ and them not getting on the ball for updates to their software, one word... longhorn

I love these guys who come in here slinging text like a veteran, calling names and dealing out insults on their very first post ... longhorn indeed!

Did an archive and install on my 1GB iBook last night with pretty much the same results -- crash, crash, crash, -- so had to erase the drive completely and reinstall, then it all works fine.

Tiger just doesn't play well with others yet and doesn't like sloppy seconds.
bigbadbill said:
Did an archive and install on my 1GB iBook last night with pretty much the same results -- crash, crash, crash, -- so had to erase the drive completely and reinstall, then it all works fine.

This is one reason why I never ever trust upgrades. I find it much easier to back up my home directory onto a set of CDROMs or and external hard drive and reinstall the entire thing from scratch. Sure, it may take more time but it's worth it as you usually get much less hassle.

I do the same with Windows, and with Linux distributions that have releases.
I agree that there are problems with Tiger. I installed it on two machines: a 1.8GHZ Dual G5 with 1.5GB of RAM and a 400MHZ G4 with 512MB of RAM.

Office 2004 is buggy at best on both machines. Suitcase is buggy on both machines. Illustrator 10 or 11 won't run on the G4 and if I select any fonts on the G5, closes down immediately.

No question that there needs to be some upgrades, but that it progress. It is unfortunate to me that Apple has been pretty bad in rushing software to market. I still know many printers who avoid OSX as often as possible to not have to deal with the horrendous handling of fonts in OSX. Tiger certainly doesn't seem like much of an upgrage right now, hopefully it will improve.
I am new to the Mac world. I fell foul to Steve Jobs ideas and bought a Mac Mini.

I have to say, it is one of the best pieces of kit I have seen in my 15 years IT experience. Very slick, reasonable performance (apart from disk), and the whole Max OS X experience gets better and better.

I got my Tiger upgrade a couple of weeks back. I did an upgrade first, and it went faultlessly. I then decided to use a firewire external disk I have. Much better!

I did a clean install on it, then use the user transfer feature. I have to say, it all went perfectly. It has not crashed, there has been no catasrophic problems. The only issue is the Virtual PC Virtual Switch issue. But me thinks thats more a M$ issue.

Tigers a good move.

Now who's the muppet who slated the first time posters? Have you looked up the dictionary meaning of the word "forum"?

Without new participants, forums die.

Now I'm going back to my "stable" Tiger install. ;)
Muppet here -- You should scroll up and read again, nobody is slating the first time posters here, I just find it idiotic that a new commer enter this forum group dishing out insults to other users on his/her very first post ... much in the way you just did.

Would you go to to a party full of people you don't know and call the first guy you meet there an insulting name? ... then don't do it here!

A group of participants who offer disrespect and insults to one another isn't a forum, it's a fight!

Hopefully someone who has had the same massive difficulties with their Tiger upgrade that myself and others have had will read this thread and it will help them. Hopefully they won't run back to the apple store with tiger disk in hand like myself and a few others were about to do. THAT'S WHAT THIS FORUM IS ABOUT!

Hopefully your second posts will be a bit more civil ...
Viro, you have the right idea. I do the same. I take 'the new OS' opportunity to make backups (since i dont have an external drive, yet) for the 'just in case' event. I also used this particular opportunity to take advantage of some of the things I never did with previous upgrades:
- backup info
- erase and Zero-write the drive (neat feature, not that i have national secrets on here, but nice to know that it is an option.)
- Clean install the new OS
- Implement the File Vault and Master Password (never did it in panther, curious...)
- Reinstall software and reorganize files

I agree 'bigbadbill', this forum is here to help people, not to start fights and slander others.