I scratched my cinema display


I recently purchases a new G5 max and the new aluminum 20" display. Within about a week of using it, a speaker fell off it's position on a high shelf and swung on it's wire, scratching my display coating in 2 places. One scratch is thick and sideways but not at all deep. the other is deeper and almost hairline. It's killing me because although the display is perfectly usable, it looks terrible when compared to the rest of the display.

I have tried for days to research this issue to no rest-assurting avail. Does anybody know of any scratch removers known to work on anti-reflective coatings? If not, does anybody know of and reflacement coatings for cinema displays and how to replace them? I have applecare...does anyone know how much they would charge for something like this?
Let me preface all of this with "I've never done this".

Now then... about 8 years ago I was working in a service center... '95 -> '98 ish.

There was a company that sold a brush-on polymer stuff... like the little car-paint touch up kits... that was designed to fill in scratches. They marketed it to service centers dealing with laptops. We never had an opportunity to try it. The company was called, if memory serves, PolyKlear (with a "k"). I didn't find a web resource for it just now... for all I know they *poofed* out of existence, or they've been bought up or what. I just don't know... But that *might* be a place to start.

Other than that, I've never heard of anyone having any success in trying to buff out scratches or anything. Truly sucks and I'm sorry it happened.
Unfortunate ! :( The coatings on your LCD screen will NOT like any kind of compound you care to use, and you will make the problem worse in the attempt.Apple can tell you how much if you call them at 1-800-MY-APPLE.
From my experience, you should be able to ship the display to Apple, and they will fix it. Looks like close to $500 repair. If the LCD has to be replaced because of accidental damage, the repair goes up $2,000 really fast. But get an accurate figure directly from Apple.
Hopefully, just the soft plastic outer envelope is damaged, and you may discover some service on-line that can offer a cheaper repair.
how about insurance?
my girlfriend has an "clumsy-insurance", so she can brake nearly everything doing clumsy stuff like dropping it or spill alcohol all over it :)
have you checked your insurance (if you have any) to see if it will cover the damage?