Hey there.. I have been using the i tunes 2 in x no probs, cept in x now it wont boot my xternal FW drive with all my Mp3s on it, so i booted into 9, i DLed the new itunes 2 for os9, and it sux...
only cos it seems to jump or stop and straight away restart, like an instant pause, seems to happen mainly when i am using the cpu for other proceses ?
HOW can i fix this???
i have ibook 600mghz with 384 ram....
i tunes seemed to sound alot better on my last ibook (dual usb 500 mghz) ... seems weird..
Any suggestions?
only cos it seems to jump or stop and straight away restart, like an instant pause, seems to happen mainly when i am using the cpu for other proceses ?
HOW can i fix this???
i have ibook 600mghz with 384 ram....
i tunes seemed to sound alot better on my last ibook (dual usb 500 mghz) ... seems weird..
Any suggestions?