I want my Apple Mobile Phone!

iPhone, never.

This phone? Meh. I know that people want iTunes integration... guess I'm just happy with my Slimp3 player, and my stereo as is.
motorola is really coming out with some sweet a** phones! putting the likes of even sonyericsson to shame. check them out!


i dont think apple could have picked a better company to partner with.

as for those who turn their nose up at the idea of a iPhone from Apple. Apple is just testing the waters with motorola. if consumer reaction is positive and demand is high, dont be surprised when Apple enters the mobile phone market with their own unique offering.

look at the mobile phone market. its the next logical step in personal media devices. now they are integrating PDA functions, next will be mp3. with this apple/moto joint venture, they will be at the forefront of the next wave personal media devices when the market turns in that direction. PDA/mp3/mobile phone all in one. am i honestly the only person that thinks this makes PERFECT SENSE? most of our day is spent juggling all 3 devices, wouldnt it be nice if all we had to put in our pocket was 1?
No, Japanese and European people are already using smart phones that do this PDA/mp3/mobile phone all in one thingie. It would be nice if Apple could just come and win this market like they did with MP3-players, but I don't think it's that easy with mobile phones.

Yet... Apple will probably have to go that way, because just like non-connected PDA sales are going down, so will eventually iPod sales when smartphones begin to take over. (Even my 'non-smart' Nokia 6230 has 12 MP3/AAC songs on its MMC now...)
as for smartphones gettin market share from iPods thats a long way into the future... (when the iPod might not be Just a music player)

right now the battery and memory on smart phones is very limited...
1GB most witha memory stick (that cost more than an iPod)
and batteries good enough only for a couple of songs :)
soulseek said:
right now the battery and memory on smart phones is very limited...
1GB most witha memory stick (that cost more than an iPod)
and batteries good enough only for a couple of songs :)
I'm not sure what phone you're talking about but the Nokia smartphones (I have a 6600) use MMC cards, not memory sticks. And they're pretty cheap. I have about a dozen mp3s on mine (though I use the phone more for playing ngage games and watching videos). But the battery is quite robust.
It looks like a cool idea....and Motorola and Sony-Ericsson phones are completely kick ass. Ill never touch a Nokia or Samsung.
besides the obvious integration of itunes into these babies... I wonder if Apple would license manufacturers to copy/mimick scaled down diferent versions of the click wheel as a navigation device. That razor phone would look cool, though it may already have a scroll like touch sensitive circular area that I could scroll through my contacts and numbers. I was listening to one of the market channels and someone thought the only way you could listen to songs was if you held the phone up to their ear... hello, quite a few phones out there have speaker phone functions and the ability to plug in headphones.
soulseek said:
motorolla phones suck :)
sony ericsson phones rule :)

especially japanese SonyEricsson phones :)

actually, consumer report favors motorola mobile phones over any other maker. better reception, less dropped calls, less times serviced, etc.

ive owned one SE phone, a T608, for two weeks that is. went back to my 2 year old motorola v60i. build quality, interface, reception and stability were no where near that of the v60i.

other SE phones look nice, the P800-P9*0 but im not going to drop $700+.

my next phone will likely be the $250 moto v710.
Randman said:
I'm not sure what phone you're talking about but the Nokia smartphones (I have a 6600) use MMC cards, not memory sticks. And they're pretty cheap. I have about a dozen mp3s on mine (though I use the phone more for playing ngage games and watching videos). But the battery is quite robust.

randman even MMC cards are expensive ones.

in order to say that u can listen to a few mp3s u need at least 256mb.

for me, a 1st generation ipod owner, not even 512 mb is enough, and a 512 mb MMC is not cheap... and not i dont wanna be listenin to less than 192 kbps mp3s :)
but that not the point, as were moving on to 3G phones, there standby times are ridiculously low... and 2G phones are not any better when u listen to music...

Apple is after music listeners, not losers who try to cram mp3s into their phones :)
yeah, im cool with keeping my T616 as a phone and my iPod as an iPod. I can't say I honestly see the point in listening to a very limited amount of songs on my phone...

And as awesome as Apple coming out with a phone of their own would be, I can't really think of anything completly new and different they could really innovate with - then again this is Apple we're talking about :rolleyes:
This is true. My God though, I can't even being to fathom the craziness Apple would conceive into a mobile phone...*weeps*...

I know I would buy one :P