I want to delete the website not just the password


This has confused me for awhile. I was reviewing passwords today and there are 15 notifications about "reused" passwords. Setting aside a number of these aren't reused, how do I remove the website and not just the password. There is a link to "change the password on the website" but I want to just remove the entire link on the iphone, ipad and Mac. A couple were from clients where they let me have access to a website so I could work on a project and I don't want to just remove the password. Plus, if I do just remove the password on my device, does that remove it for them as well? I really don't want to do that. So, if the easiest thing is to just remove the password on my device - and that doesn't remove it for them - then I will just do that... However.... I have removed some of these in the past and they still show up.
Did you look at / Applications/ Utilities/keychain Access.app? you can do this on Mac and if make a changed let sync to iCLoud account! Also you look on Mac at the https://appleid.apple.com/ and see if you saved any passwords with iCloud?