I want to email Apple.


Hey, does anybody know how i can contact the iTunes department (if it exists) directly ? I have a brilliant idea for iTunes and i want to share it with Apple. :)
hes not gonna tell us. thats why he asked. he wants to keep all they glory for himself! hehe, good luck, hope you find a way to contact them. after you tell them, mind telling us though?
Doesn't iTunes have a Safari-like "Feedback" function built-in? I can't say that I remember seeing it.
I told iTunes my great idea, it was that in the music store they should list the label an artist's album/single/track is released on, and allow you to search for other music on that label in a similar way you can with band-name, albumn, genre, etc.

They don't seem to have done this yet.

If you also think this is a great idea, tell them too and maybe they will do it (I think keeping a great idea for iTunes to yourself is stupid, it's very unlikely you'll get any payment or praise for it anyway).
Thanks everybody. My idea: Album Rating. The possibility to rate albums without rating the songs. A smart playlist (albums rated 3 stars and above f.e.) will then create an album list view. Could be something like Delicious Library, with cover art.

I've always wanted this feature, it would really come in handy sometimes.
Well yesterday I emailed Phill Schiller telling him i had just brought a 20gig ipod and after one day of use it already had scratches on the back.
This morining there was a reply from him saying why the choose to use the metal on the back :) pm and ill give you his address
senne said:
Thanks everybody. My idea: Album Rating. The possibility to rate albums without rating the songs. A smart playlist (albums rated 3 stars and above f.e.) will then create an album list view. Could be something like Delicious Library, with cover art.

I've always wanted this feature, it would really come in handy sometimes.

That's quite a nice idea really, and it's reminded me of another idea of mine:

A rich querying language for super-smart playlists for pro-users. It would allow you to do things like create smart playlists adding all albums where the average track rating is 4 or above, and allow you to make play lists of your top 100 most played tracks, but it wouldn't be rubbish like the current system where there's an alphabetical bias, but would have at least 100 most played. I'm not explaining it well, but it'd sort of be like an SQL query language, and so would allow you to put together some very complex smart play lists.

I suspect you can make pseudo-super-smart playlists with AppleScript at the moment, but a rich query language would be ace.
i sent some feed back in the other day...
You can right click on a song in your library to see what playlists it is in, but thats a pain.
If anyone uses address book groups you will know what i mean here: When you select a song the playlists it is in should be highlighted (maybe a gray background) to indicated which playlists it is in. This is what address book does and its really handy.
I have various auto playlists which my sings are in. Say local, rock, 2004, 2003 etc.
When i select a local song in my library the playlists it is in (local, 2004, rock) should be highlighted.

I have go with address book and you will see what i mean.
Sometimes saying your ideas out in the open leads to unwanted criticism. I don't think Senne wants praise or payment but just to see the feature included in next revision of iTunes. Although, i could be wrong.
Well that was pointless :rolleyes:

anyways, i would like to see the lyrics for the album somewhere in iTunes that way I can sing along or listen without getting confused on the meanings. Do the pop up video thing when the effects turn on.