I WANT to make the switch!!!

I wouldn't use an ipod for this, its not such a durable drive as the full size ones. I like the Lacie d2 triple interface drives, they have USB2, Firewire and Firewire800 (for crazy transfer speeds). Just don't get the Lacie Porche drives. I have an 80, 250 and 300gb lacie d2 and they've been great.

What's wrong with the Porsche drives? I've got one at my studio...?

Collectively, they make some pretty good laptop-form factor external hard drives. A lot of them are reinforced with rubber or whatnot because they are intended for travel. Just look around online a bit.
Like ora said, Firewire 800 drives will give you the best speeds, and you could even use them as a capture/scratch disk if you wanted. (They're fast) You'll want a drive at least as big as your main drive, preferably bigger. You'll also need backup software, but Leopard should take care of that if you plan to get it.
Whatever you get, make sure it has a warranty. Hard drives break, no matter who makes them.
I have an ACOM drive, and I got it replaced under warranty with little fuss when the drive died.
What's wrong with the Porsche drives? I've got one at my studio...?

They have a fearsome failure rate, i know of 4 dead straight out of the box and 3 more ead in a month from people I work with. As eric says, all HDs break in the end but those ones seem to break a lot faster.
Hey I was looking at the Canadian Best Buy online store and I found a pretty good Acom external drive. It is 160GB HDD, so I wanted to know what you guys think of it?


Hey, I wanted to know from the people who have a MacBook Pro or are using the latest OS-X version. What are the differences between it and Leopard aside from being 64 bit. Is it a good decision to wait until Leopard is out and get a laptop with it pre-installed or just try to buy one now?
I have many ACOM drives, and they are all pretty high quality. I have that exact model, and when the drive died, it was easy to send it in and get a replacement.
We don't know the exact specs on Leopard yet, but it will have a backup utility, it will be faster, and it will cost $129 new.
Wow compared to Windows OS, OS-X is much cheaper lol! That is pretty cool! Ok about the hard drive, now is that the lowest price that I can find! I believe it was about 180 at Best Buy, so like is it the lowest or are there online stores selling for less?
re: Tiger/Leopard

i would buy now. Tiger is now very mature, it's stable, it's fast and it works. early versions of leopard will be hit and miss, at least until 10.5.3 or so. all versions of OS X go through this. Tiger is currently at 10.4.8 and is solid. buy now and you have the option of both, wait and buy with leopard, and you don't. you can't use an operating system older than the computer.
re: Tiger/Leopard

i would buy now. Tiger is now very mature, it's stable, it's fast and it works. early versions of leopard will be hit and miss, at least until 10.5.3 or so. all versions of OS X go through this. Tiger is currently at 10.4.8 and is solid. buy now and you have the option of both, wait and buy with leopard, and you don't. you can't use an operating system older than the computer.

Hmm so if I bought one now and I wanted to update to the Leopard OS, how much would it cost me exactly? Is it as Eric said $129 or less since it is only going to be an upgrade?

Also I have checked out the Apple website many times and seen some awesome videos of the leopard OS and some awesome pictures and information on Tiger, but do you guys know any place that has some more videos and good pictures? I have tried youtube and google video, but not that many?

The reason I am trying to decide whether to be it now or later is that I am not sure if they will come out with some new hardware that might be 10x better, if I know it will be maybe 3x better only then I would buy a MBP right now! Anyone has any comments on that?
There's no upgrade pricing, but I believe that you get a free upgrade if you bought within a month of Leopard's release. (They do this with iLife, anyways) Eventually, Tiger will be the "old" OS, you're going to have to upgrade some time..
apple doesn't distinguish between full OS, and upgrade versions, technically, with the Mac OS being bound to the computer, and every mac having mac OS, every copy of OSX is an upgrade, so $129 is upgrade pricing. as you said previously, it's cheaper than windows, even for upgrade.

i would buy when you want, thena assess from the early birds on here what leopards like, and then choose when you want to upgrade, if at all. many people choose to upgrade every two releases, as it's just more economical that way. many people use Panther (10.3) as it's still very much a modern OS, and is still very similar to Tiger. the only major thing i miss not having tiger is instant searching (Spotlight). Tiger is still miles ahead of everything else, Leopard will only extend that lead.

also, you could be waiting 4-5 months for Leopard to come out, and a further 2-3 months for 10.5.3, or 10.5.4 updates to get it stable. i'd go tiger, you won't be dissapointed. a list of leopards features can be found at www.apple.com/macosx
Well I guess I will go with the Tiger OS-X as well. Now all I have to do is get a bit more money, I am trying to save up for both university tuition and a MacBook Pro! I hope that Scholarships can help me, and that the student discount Apple gives me is helpful! Oh by the way, other than the specs that I want which include:

* 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
* 1440 x 900 pixels
* 1GB memory
* 120GB hard drive1
* 6x double-layer SuperDrive
* ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 graphics with 128MB SDRAM
What do you guys think I should get beside the hardware? As in software, like the Office 2004 for Mac or Adobe photoshop CS2 or should I wait for CS3.
Defiantly wait for the universal versions if you can, otherwise, they'll be running under Rosetta, and it will feel like you're working on a G3..

1 GB memory should be sufficient, but you'd defiantly see improved performance with more. Third party RAM is often cheaper than Apple RAM.
Eric about that, All I would be updating is the RAM and if I did it myself then I could have a Mac the same second I pay for it, since I would not have to wait for the 2 day shipping and stuff. Anyways my question is does best buy offer cheaper RAM or is it almost the same deal? Cause all I will be paying more is $129 dollars, and when I went to the best buy website I could not find their ram, only like one stick for a laptop which was 128MB! lol!
Some good sites to look for RAM are crucial.com (very good reputation) and dealram.com (an index of lots sellers; great prices, but mostly "generic" RAM).

I agree with Eric on Photoshop. It's awfully expensive, so if you don't NEED it now, I'd wait up. CS3 will perform MUCH better than CS2 on your machine, so you'll definitely want it. In the meantime, you could try some free alternatives like the GIMP.

I also recommend at least trying free alternatives to MS Office before buying it. We've already mentioned NeoOffice a couple times in this thread. It's worth a look.
apple RAM is currently undercutting crucial by about 5%. that myth appears to be dormant for the time being.

also, i would never reccomend buying cheap ram. always go for either Kingston or Crucial ram. bad Ram can crippple a computer.