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Interesting nugget 'o info...
I have the CPU monitor running in my dock in the extended mode. I was plugging away working when I realized my user load was at 100%...
Something is running, let me give it a second, and five minutes later it's the same thing. After shutting things down one by one, and reopening one by one it seems that both AOL Instant Messenger, and to a smaller degree ICQ both take up a steady (total) 25% of the user cpu load. Fire does not. It in fact uses on average (idling) .6%.
Two points taken from ICQ, and AOL IM.
Ten points to Mr. Peyton!
Just thought it would help those people so curious about the LaunchCFMapp. That's how I caught them. I don't think they close it down properly, and that's why suddenly you've got 47 LaunchCFMapp's... (theory of course)
I have the CPU monitor running in my dock in the extended mode. I was plugging away working when I realized my user load was at 100%...
Something is running, let me give it a second, and five minutes later it's the same thing. After shutting things down one by one, and reopening one by one it seems that both AOL Instant Messenger, and to a smaller degree ICQ both take up a steady (total) 25% of the user cpu load. Fire does not. It in fact uses on average (idling) .6%.
Two points taken from ICQ, and AOL IM.
Ten points to Mr. Peyton!
Just thought it would help those people so curious about the LaunchCFMapp. That's how I caught them. I don't think they close it down properly, and that's why suddenly you've got 47 LaunchCFMapp's... (theory of course)