iBook 600 and OS X.1/X.2


Hey all. I'm thinking of buying an iBook 600 with 640mb RAM. Will this work well with OS X.1 (and hopefully X.2)? I was reading in my Macworld that the G3 really can't handle OS X. I don't wanna spend ALL my pay (from my brand new job! hee hee go mcdonald's ;) ) on a computer that won't work too well. And I can't afford a TiBook.

I'm running 10.1 on a 400 MHz iMac, and it's fine for me. I'm not saying more speed wouldn't be appreciated. :) Occasional hangups happen, but general speed and responsiveness is fine, so it should certainly be fine on a 600 MHz iBook. On the other hand, there might be new iBooks round the corner... :D
tryed X.2 WWDC Pre Release Build6C35 on my iBook 600 256 MB ram.......runs like a charm....very very fast :)
Coolies! I'll just put it down to the fact that the Macworld guy was too used to the G4 iMac, Powerbook G4 and the PowerMac G4 he was testing :p

Though, hopefully I won't be too used to my G4 iMac :p

It's also good about not being able to afford it yet, because it means I can't buy it now, so I may be lucky and Apple may release a new model before I buy. Here's hoping :D iBook is about due for an update
I would try playing with an iBook with OS X on it just to get a feel for how it differs from your current experience (your G4). We are using subjective measures of speed here, so its hard to tell what BBenve thinks is "very fast" translates to on your speed scale.

You also don't mention what you plan to use your iBook for, and this may be a factor as well.

I have a iBook 600MhZ with 640MB running OS X. Its sluggish in some spots. However, I use my iBook for email, websurfing, and writing, so that is fine. I don't use a G4 on a regular basis, so I don't know what difference the better processor would make.

I don't do many really intensive things. All I'd be doing would be surfing, email, word processing, gereral school stuff, the occaisional game of StarCraft, maybe some other games every blue moon at a LAN party or something... actually, I'd probably take the iMac to that.... , and photoshop

Ok, I KNOW that Photoshop is designed for the G4 with VE, but hey, I don't use huge filters, and we run it at school on an old iMac, so it must work fine :p

I think the iBook will be good.

Oh yeah, I'm into iTunes in a big way lol. I'm trying to see if I can afford to lease an iBook AND an iPod together....
Well i said very fast...compared to my iMac G4 700.... i can't really see any BIG difference in the finer...i cannot see any big difference in application opening...QT 6 and System preferences BOTH on iMac G4 and my tiny iBook open inONE bounce.... IE opens in 3 on the iBook in 2 in my iMac... you there is a difference here and there...but we re talking about a G3 Vs a G4 a 8 BM vram against a 32....but yet.. i have to say ...X.2 is fast....that's it... is fast fast fast.....sure you have to try with your set up ..and your programs...(i use PS 7 AI X and stuff)
Yet i have to say... X.2 as is now..is plain fast....and by fast i mean.. that it runs very good on the iBook... X.1 is fast...but nothing compared to X.2..:)

just my 2 cents
Cool :) Thanks, you've made me feel a lot safer about buying a G3 :D

I won't try to run any intensive stuff on the iBook anyway. I'd run that all on the iMac :D
Hey Ya!

I just got my new 600 combo ibook two weeks ago. Although I had bad experiences with the earlier 500MHz (which I subsequently sold on eBay), I must say that I hardly notice a difference between my Quicksilver G4 733 and the new iBook 600MHz!!!!!!! It's quite amazing actually!!!! Just be sure to include at least 384MB of RAM. I'm telling you: the iBook is really speedy!!!

I do lots of web-programming: dreamweaver, Apache Webserver, Tomcat JSP engine,.... and it runs fabulously!!!!!

Stick with it!!

- matthias
- pbmac
Personally I'd hold off on buying a new iBook until they release Jaguar. If you read about Jag at all they say it requires a 32MB vid card to take advantage of Extreme Quartz. I'm betting then either a little before or at the same time that they release the final of Jag they will upgrade iBooks to a 32meg video card, quite possibly even a G4 (probably a 400 or 500) seeing how the technology of producing laptop G4 processors is rapidly advancing. The current iBooks are the oldest thing out, they are the next product due for an update so hold back a little and watch what happens.
I would wait to get an iBook, they are due for a refresh soon. However, I seriously doubt it'll have 32MB of VRAM, even if QE needs it.

I think it'll have an ATI Radeon GPU with probably 16MB of VRAM.

We'll see.
I see what you're saying about waiting, but my personal philosophy on computer purchases is: If you want it, buy it without waiting. It's only going to get updated sooner or later.

Of course, the iBook is SO due for an update that I would probably wait in this case, but yeah.

I won't be able to BUY the iBook for about a month anyway, so it'll probably be updated before I buy :D
Originally posted by kommakazi
Personally I'd hold off on buying a new iBook until they release Jaguar. If you read about Jag at all they say it requires a 32MB vid card to take advantage of Extreme Quartz.

32MB is NOT required for Quartz Extreme. That's a recommendation only. The REQUIREMENTS are an AGP NVidia card or an AGP ATi Radeon card, regardless of video RAM. If you can get your hands on a 16MB ATi AGP Radeon card, you can use Quartz Extreme.
I'm assuming you mean shoving a TiBook video card into an iBook, which is pretty impossible. People also ask frequently if the video RAM in Apple's portables is upgradeable, and the answer is also no.

I would wait unless there's some pressing need for an immediate purchase.
Well, I'm going to buy as soon as I've got the money, unless I KNOW that the new one is less than a month away. I mean, if I wait for the next greatest thing, I'll be waiting forever. And apparently, the 600mhz iBook runs (the prerelease of) X.2 very well, so we'll see. Plus with 640mb RAM, I should be fine, even if I can't run QE. I imagine that Apple will release X.2 and a new iBook with a Radeon at the same time.