iBook battery 56 % charge drops suddenly to 0 % !!!

There is an Apple Knowledgebase article that explains how to "condition" the battery or whatever. Memory is fuzzy and it may only apply to iBooks. Not sure.

I'm'with the same trouble at 35, 40 minutes of use on batteries...

it sucks...

My PB Bronze was 2 1/2 hours before....
there has to be some way that all of us who are experiencing these problems can collectively force apple to address this issue. i'm not implying that this hasn't been done, but you shouldn't have to buy AppleCare for $250 to get technical support on apple products and as far as i have experienced with apple, they are all about guaranteeing their products. if what i'm suggesting hasn't been organized maybe it's time to consider an option like this, and maybe if we reach apple users far and wide, and apple puts their money where it's stem is, :) at the very least we might get some answers. (or maybe i'm rambling nonsense...).
I'm wondering why you're replying to this. This is an old thread, and the issue was overcome with 10.2.5. While the batteries may not have been fixed, the problem doesn't arise anymore, unless someone is still running 10.2.4.
The issue has NOT Been fixed in recent Apple Updates including 10.2.6. My iBooks still suffers this problem. Gets to 80% then dies. Tried all solutions, and the only thing that works briefly is to bootinto OS 9, run battery down and then charge completely. I can then boot into OS XX and get one full session on teh battery 1-2 hours. After that - recharging in OS X leaves me back at step one... dies at 80% again. This leads me to believe it is OS X and NOT my battery, since it still works fine charging in OS 9.
When did you buy your iBook, bluehz? The battery behaviour is not for sure normal, it might qualify for the battery change in your local Aple Store.

Arden, the issue has not been completely fixed.

Blue, reinstalling the OS X may fix it. I after gettting the new battery (it works perfectly) still didn't get the warning "battery low"; I wanted it back as it's annoying to not have it (and go suddenly to sleep). I got it back installing OS X again. First saving all files, applications, preferences in ~/Library etc, then taking the battery away for installation time (precaution), installing OS X and the combo updates ... and then when using with the battery it gave back the warnings.

Some think that iBooks etc have a limited life that counts as a total amount of charges. When you leave the battery during AC use, at least mine drops to 100 to 95 % in 1-3 days, and then recharges back. Thus that is a recharge every few days without using it really. Unplugging the battery while in desk use may prevent the battery charging and emptying too often. And if you install OS X again, and then run the battery to 0 % (forced 0% - e.g. play with your machine to 0% in OS 9, and then with single user mode to be sure it is in 0 % ), recharge it, run to 0 in OS X and empty it again a few times, that could improve it at least a few %. Or after ... (how long time?) your battery might just be approaching it's end of life. I'd try reinstalling first - do you have the combo drive or can you save your data somewhere, e.g. in an external hard drive before?

Mine in its worst gave less than 15 min of operating time - shutting off at 94 %.
Well, Kenny said that 10.2.4 introduced something into the battery that couldn't be fixed, thought later updates shouldn't be doing this. I'm no expert, and I don't think he's an expert, but he sounded like he knew what he was typing about.
Unfortunately, my iBook is well past the warranty period. Late 2001. I just tried all the fixes again yesterday, unplugged in OS X and got 5 mins before it shut down.

FYI - I have rarely used the battery during its life. Maybe todat 25-50 times.
You had the battery plugged in though even when not in use? All those times when it goes down to 95 % and recharges to 100 % count as one recharge (for the battery life). :(
I just got the same problem. my tibook (bought in march 2003!!!!) just went into sleep-mode and when I plugged it and turned it on again battery was at 0% and before I had 38%.
I remember Gia sent a link in one other thread that kinda fixed this. Does anyone have the link? tnx
There were 3 things I tried and that worked and that work (one of them).

1) Use the XCharge to follow the battery behaviour for some days, .. it'll tell if it repeats and how the battery behaves. (You can do it also with terminal and scripts, but a small free app with gui is easier)

2) if abnormal, and still in warranty, try to get a new battery in apple store etc where you bought it.

3) reset PMU. the howto do this should be in hte previous pages. (if not, it's somewhere on the boards, search).

4) sometimes even a new battery behaves so that you get no warning. one thing that can work to fix it is to reinstall os x. if you have time to back up your files and can reinstall, it's an alternative. take off the battery for the time of reinstalling os x and updates as a safety measure.

i thought this issue was more related to ibooks, but some kept talking about os x's way of measuring the battery energy (that hopefully will be improved in panther). sorry for being tired today, zammy.