ibook Clamshell os9.2-no password-no disc..HELP!


Hi there - I am in Mac Overload! I got this ibook from a thrift store and cannot get into the darn thing! For some reason I cannot get into single user mode to reset the password. Command -s does NOTHING!! I can turn off extensions but it wants a password to get me into where I can delete multi users pref. As you may have guessed I do not have the software. Any help will be appreciated!
Single user mode is a Mac OS X thing only so it won't do anything in OS 9.
So install discs or password would be the way to go.
Check the net for an OS 9 disk. Also check for your local MUG group. There is always someone in a MUG (Macintosh User Group) who has an OS 9 disk.