Hi guys, first post here

I've always wanted to buy a laptop, something small that i can take with me everywhere and recently i've been falling in love with the 12'' ibook. Being so close to buy one, i'm just wondering how good of a machine it is.
I've already asked around about software options but my main uses will be:
Internet browsing, video, comics reading and soft gaming (emulators and such) with the occasional programming task (going to college this year) and photoshop edit.
I already have my eyes on some apps to cover all the bases, what i want to know is: having a tight budget, is the ibook a good purchase? I'm a little fed up with the neowin forum mac section guys always saying to wait, the news ones will be bettah! FASTAH!.. you get what i'm saying, right? anyways, i already searched around for windows laptops, but they're quite ugly and i'd really like to try the mac os.
On a last note, i've yet to find one of there.. i'm looking for a photo of an ibook screen with a webpage or document open, to see how readable it is. The only store that sells them near me won't let me play with the little beast
Well sorry for the boring long post, and i'm looking forward to replies.
Thanks in advance