Now that I've been using iCal for entering a bunch of stuff related to school, I can safely say that it's a pretty sweet program for being free.

Subscribed to a bunch of calenders and now I'm on top of the season premieres and Denver Broncos games.

A couple of things that bug me about it though...
-Speed. This will probably be brought up a lot, but I can't believe how slow iCal is. It seems very unresponsive. It's probably because of my computer, though. I think I'm due for an upgrade.
-Being unable to change subscribed calenders. I would really like to put in alerts for some things, such as the season premiere of Mad TV. Unfortunately I cannot do this, and I think this could have been easily accomplished.
-Sort of buggy. Like everything in a first release, it's kind of buggy, and it's the kind of bugs that could get on your nerves over time. Like sometimes the Info window doesn't change when I make a new selection. And the Info window doesn't change until I press Return after changing an event. Oh well. I guess we pay for being early adopters.
Other than that, Apple has replaced Entourage on my machine with Mail, iCal, and Address Book. It feels right when these features are separate, instead of jammed together in a slow package.

And you can edit your calender while scanning through your e-mail; something you can't do in Entourage.
Overall grade for iCal:
EDIT: Fixed the all-important spelling of "Premiere."