


Heard from a couple people that Apple is to be releasing a digital camera with 4 mega pixels and a 5Gb hard drive for the pictures some time soon. They say that Apple was going to release it with iPhoto but could not for some reason. Personally I think this is not true, what do you think?

Have a great day!

Well, this baby would have one chance to live: Good battery life. To be able to take a *lot* of pictures at high quality is still a problem with most cams and the harddrive would solve this, but as long as the battery doesn't live up to the size of the disk, the camera wouldn't make much sense.

Unlike MP3 players, there already ARE very good digital cameras. I guess Apple *will* do such a step, but I think it'll flop. They will want it to be in the higher price segment, but it won't be as competitive there as the iPod. And I bet it'll be called iCam, not iCamera. :)
Eh, it might be true. Flip a coin, who knows?

"iCam" would be a decent name, but seeing as how Apple's naming conventions hane been thrown with "iPod", I think it'll be calles "iSnap", IF it's true
iSnap, I like it. 5gb's is a lot for a digital camera though... probably it would start with a 2 gb model or something and upgrade the hard drive (like they are hopefully going to do with the iPod)
I usually ignore most rumors as containing little or no truth whatsoever... although to be honest I'm pretty confident that Apple will in fact release a camera as part of its digital hub within the next year and a half. As to dates or features, that's all random guessing :p

Hmm. Possible, yes. They have the technology and it has pretty much been field-tested with the iPod. They have the software to back it up. I'd rate this one a 50/50 chance of being true.
Besides, people don't put as much emphasis on size and weight with cameras as they do with MP3 players, so even if it had to weigh twice what the iPod does in order to accommmodate the battery, it would still sell very well.
And, of course, it would be fire-wire!
If they do make a camera (and I think they will), they should use this technology. I read about it on newyorktimes.com. Being an owner of a digital camera, I have to say there is a lot of room for improvement. It would be great if they made one with a hard drive and nice rechargeable battery like the iPod (and firewire of course.)
iSnap sounds about right.

You guys have come up with some pretty good names:

iPhoto Taker

Any more creative names? This would be pretty cool if Apple really releases this, and with a 5GB HD I would buy it right away, you could go on a long vacation and not even get close to filling up your pictures!

I think it will be called "iTake" and also have the ability to shoot MPEG video as well.

that is the only reason you would need a 5gb drive.

if that is in fact the device, Apple would sidestep Sony as being the first to market with such a device. (Hard drive video camera with still capabilities.)
I REALLY REALLY like that idea. If it were above 4 megapixels I would buy it in a second. I have an olympus 2.1 megapixel camera right now and it is very good. But an apple camera would be amazing. I'm sure they could make an excellent camera and have it integrate really well with iphoto. And if there were 5 gigs on the camera you could fit all your pictures right on it. I have about a thosand pictures at 2.1 megapixels and it takes up about a gig of space. Multiply that by two for 4 megapixels thats thosand in 2 gigs. That means that about 2500 picutres in your pocket :D
Originally posted by martinatkinson

You guys have come up with some pretty good names:

iPhoto Taker

Almost every name is already taken. Olympus Isnap, ICAM Technologies, IPIX internet pictures corp.

I dont think apple will ever release a digital camera. There are already alot of good ones out there.
There are already alot of good ones out there.
Why do people keep saying this?
Digital cameras are far from perfect.
Wouldn't you love firewire on your camera?
If you print out an 8x10 does it look good?
When you push the button, how long does it take to actually take the picture?
Can you tell if a picture's in focus from that little LCD screen?

There are plenty of things to improve upon.
Originally posted by dlookus

Why do people keep saying this?
Digital cameras are far from perfect.
Wouldn't you love firewire on your camera?
If you print out an 8x10 does it look good?
When you push the button, how long does it take to actually take the picture?
Can you tell if a picture's in focus from that little LCD screen?

There are plenty of things to improve upon.

True, digital cameras are far from perfect. And yes firewire in a consumer camera would be cool. The camera (Canon Eos 1D) I use at work got all the goodies you need. Firewire, 4milj pixels, 8 pictures /sec and good LCD.
The consumer cameras will follow. Just give it time.
I think it would be a great idea as long as it was capable of working as a firewire web cam as well with the capability of recording digital video onto the 5gig hard drive. It wouldn't have to be the greatest, just good enough for web cam standards. And the 4 megapixel digital camera function would simply rock.
indeed it would rock. I like the webcam idea. What size of hard drive would be needed for a full out DV camera? now that would rock! :D
A digital camera with an internal harddrive and firewire connectivity would be great! Using a hard drive would also allow almost instant photo capture.

I am all for it!!!

I just received confirmation from an aquaintance of mine who has inside connections at Apple that this rumor is indeed true! He didn't have any specific release date beyond "soon" but it will have the 5gb HD, firewire, 4 megapixels, and ability to capture video. I can't wait to see it!

Wow, pretty cool! I would definitly buy one as soon as it came out. Anybody have any idea how much it will cost? It would be awesome if it was about the same price or cheaper then the iPod. Goodbye Kodak!

Also, if they make a docking station I sure do hope that they do not make it like Kodak's one that I use for my DX3500, it is really bad.

Have a great day!
