Icons not showing


Hey there

I downloaded a bunch of icons. After unpacking they show like unix executable files or they look like "document" files. I try renaming them with extenstions: .icns and .jpg, but with no luck. And I've tried to open the info box and mark the icon in it and then press delete, but no luck there to :(

I'm using OS X 10.4.5

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
When you use the info box the icon is up the top right hand corner. Select it then choose copy from the edit menu. Close that info box and select the folder or icon you want to change to the new, get info again select the icon in the top corner and choose paste under the edit menu, close the info box and wallop, there is your new icon.
That doesn't work. In Finder all the icons look like blank document files and they aren't suppose to look like that. So when I copy the new icon from the infobox over to a new one, its still the same white blank icon that's getting copied.
That doesn't work. In Finder all the icons look like blank document files and they aren't suppose to look like that. So when I copy the new icon from the infobox over to a new one, its still the same white blank icon that's getting copied.

I have had the exact same issue. I think it's an OS problem personally. All of my downloaded icons, no matter what format, are showing up as their extension in "Get Info". The OS application icons are fine, but this problem persists among downloaded icons. Here is a picture of my issue. You can see the downloaded icon on the right is not showing up. I even deleted the icon in the upper left hand corner to reset the cache, but to no avail.

Picture: http://img140.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture1rz8.jpg

This is more of a pet peeve than it is a real problem. I like to customize my own icons.

If it helps, I'm using 10.5.6

Thanks a lot
Why you have to do this I do not know, but what you do is use Preview to open the pickie of the icon you want. Then copy it. Then click on the icon in the Get Info and paste.

That will change the icon.

Why you have to do this, I do not know.

That solved the problem. I tried that before and it hadn't worked. I may have been doing it wrong. Oh well, either way that does the trick.

Thanks for the response