

OK, this sounds like a really simple question, but I'm pulling my hair out in frustration!!

I have downloaded from apple a set of system icons (trash can, HHD, etc) which I'd like to use, but I cannot find how to install them. Dragging them into the space in the 'get info' screen doesn't work. The icons are in '.icns' format. The readme doc with them was useless, and I cannot find any similar problems elsewhere.

Another set appear to be just empty folders with the icons set on them. Am really puzzled by this!


andyhargreaves said:
I have downloaded from apple a set of system icons (trash can, HHD, etc) which I'd like to use, but I cannot find how to install them.

I have never changed an icon on my iBook, but you might find The iconFactory's CandyBar to be useful. And, while I have not done so, there are free ways to do what you want. So, someone else probably will have a "free" answer.
Instead of dragging and dropping the icon onto the Get Info window, do this:

1) Open the .icns file in Preview
2) Hit command-C (copy)
3) Open up the Get Info window of the target file/folder
4) Highlight the icon by clicking on it in the Get Info window, then hit command-v (paste)
I also heard once that even after you change a icon, it might not show up till you log out and then log back in.
I'm pretty sure you would need CandyBar or ShapeShifter or some other third party hack to change the Trash can. (Yes you can now add icon sets to SS.)