If You Have Os 10.1, Clean Install Now!


Member that enjoys Meece
I just clean installed OS 10.1 on my iMac DV+ 400 and I will be damned if im not getting double the performance from my 10.0.4 to 10.1 update. You can Clean Install on the UPDATE DISCS [like I did] or of course, with the Full Installer Disc. If you are at all dissapointed with 10.1's speed, like I said, CLEAN INSTALL and I will forgive you for thinking that-[think about that].
I did a clean install using the updater disk, and on my config, it actually didn't help much.

OS X 10.1's speed is highly overestimated. I suggest keep your expectations low, because it still isn't as fast as OS 9, on my config anyway. An 867 MHz G4 was actually quite decent and rivaled OS 9 when I checked it out at the on-campus store today.

It seems that the hardware is catching up to the software with OS X now (not that that's a bad thing), so don't be expecting anything fantastic from the 10.1 update.
I find it interesting that so many people get such different reactions. I can promise you that 90% of all applications I use are either the same speed or faster than OS 9 versions, after I clean installed, that is. I can't explain it, but the clean install does something that just upating it does not.
Scuse my ignorance in grasping the english language, but "clean install" means wiping out your harddrive and install OSX.1 on it using Update disk, yes? Well, that would mean spending a full day reinstalling all my unix stuff and remembering where all my files used to be, right?

Just checking.
Originally posted by travelgz
Scuse my ignorance in grasping the english language, but "clean install" means wiping out your harddrive and install OSX.1 on it using Update disk, yes? Well, that would mean spending a full day reinstalling all my unix stuff and remembering where all my files used to be, right?

Yes, Yes you are correct, The clean install would wipe your system clean, but If you are looking to find the true speed of OS 10.1, it it a necessity. I agree with you, the thought of clearing my Disk did not appeal to me at first either, but since I had a 60 gig External Maxtor 3000DV Firewire Drive [which I strongly recommend, it is also 7200 rpm:D] I decided to copy my 9.2 system and any OS X applications I wanted to save to it, partition my internal drive to 2gis for Classic 9.2.1 and 8 gigs for OS X, then install 10.0.4 and 9.2 and then clean install 10.1. It was a hell of a lot of work, but probably the best move I ever made. Everything works like a charm and System Preferences now loads in 2 Bounces compared to about 6 or so with 10.1 update from 10.0.4, and I am not even exagerating.
And then what? Later after everything is reloaded onto the machine and life continues, how long do you think this miraculous speed boost will last? not long, trust me. I clean installed the day I got my upgrade, and trust me, the speed boost doesn't last long.

(at least in a work environment)

Previous user mentioned partitioning. I just realized I don't know how much of my disk is partitioned for OS 9. How would I find out? The two OS's seem so well integrated; I can put my files anywhere I want to without knowing if they fall into which partition. So how much is partitioned for whom (I made no resintalls) and how do I know where the partition is so I know if a file is falling into the old world or the brave new (sometimes slower) world of OS X?

Default is, that ur hd isn't partitioned.
If u install ur os' on different partitions, then u will recognize the difference between 1 and more partitions. :D
Well, if it is not partitioned, how does booting into OSX or OS 9 make sense? I thought that you need to have a partitioned disk to boot into different OSs, where each os uses at least one parition. At least that's how it works in Linux/Windows machines....

Yeah, but thats *not* how it works with X/9 you can choose to boot off of a system folder within your X partition. It is reccomended that you have a partitioned drive, but you don't have to.

i've got a question....

will it matter how large your OS X partition is? mine is 4 gb, and I have 2 left on that partition. any thoughts?

I've GOT to clear up some stuff here... partitioning is NOT recommended. Neither is NOT partitioning. That's completely up to you, and will not make a bit of difference concerning speed. The only thing it WILL prevent against is having your OS 9 drive become fragmented faster than it normally would, since OS X has MANY more files involved -- the fragmentation of the drive is higher with OS X.

Apple does not recommend partitioning. Apple does not recommend NOT partitoning. Their default is one partition for both OS 9 and OS X, and I've run my system both ways with no problems either way. I'm actually thinking of going back to the one-partition scheme...

I tried the OS X 10.1 clean install with the updater disk and did not notice a *significant* speed improvement over updating 10.0.4 to 10.1. Maybe a LITTLE faster... nothing mind-blowing though. Others may have different results, and I could see why clean-installing would theoretically give a speed boost.

I can see the benefits of partitioning, though: if you have one partition and both OS 9 and OS X installed on it, and it goes bad, you lose both OS 9 and OS X. With two partitions, if one goes bad, at least you can boot into the other one and try some repairs.
Unless you move the swap file to another drive, the size of your OSX partition only limits you to the size of VM space (and docs, apps etc).

I'm wondering if the clean install benefit comes more from a defragged disk, rather than any other sort of benefit. I Got a major speed boost when I let TechTool optimize the disk.
Part of it is probably the defragged disk, and part of it is probably just that there is less 'stuff' for the system to keep track of, I think...

If you have a decent harddisk (15G or more), do partition as follows:

1 Partition Mac OS 9.x (for your Classic environment) - size about 1G.

1 Partition Mac OS 10.x (the OS and user space only) - size about half of the rest.

1 Partition Apps & Documents - size: the rest.

This will let you reinstall any of the two operating systems at will, because your installed applications are on a third partition. If you need to reinstall X, you can just backup all of your homes to the Apps & Documents partition or to an external backup medium.

I've done so and clean installed 10.1 from a retail CD (the update cd only lets you install if a 10.0.x is around somewhere). The speed *is* better after a clean install, but that'll slow down after a while, although my installation is still enthrallingly fast these days.

3 partitions are a great thing to have. I have an internal 20G harddisk on my powerbook, so I can back the whole thing up on my external 40G firewire disk. But the 3 partitions are enough if you act wisely (like: don't hog too much downloaded stuff in your home folder, put it to Apps & Docs or delete it).