If You're a Gamer...


Walking No-Fun Ball
Personally, I love Macs. They're very stable and easy to use. I think the Mac is the best platform for anything--except for one thing. I plan to keep my Mac, and when I have the money, buy a PC for gaming.

If you're a Mac user and a gamer, do you own a PC for gaming?
buy a pc for gaming? ...

thats why the make GAME CONSOLES! they are specialised for gaming. why buy a pc and have all sorts of problem with it when u can get an Xbox or GameCube for a much lower price and with much much better games for these platforms:)
pcs might be better for games than macs. but thats only good if u wanna buy a pc instead of a mac. if u ALREADY have a mac, WHY go buy a pc for games and waste ur money ? in that sense, Nintendo would not be alive really!
Although the situation is getting better and better still the Mac is behind the PC...

However, the games which so far released on the Mac are awesome with Warcraft 3 and Jedi Knight 2 being my favorites :D Another game that looks and plays awesome is Return to Castle Wolfenstein! BUT it needs a powerful Mac to play nice... :(

Anyways, Mac need MORE games and at a faster rate if Apple wants families to jump on the switching thing! I know that Mac users are people who create stuff or at least are part of many creation processes but I think that they also need to play once in a while games and they shouldn't buy another computer to have that... Not even XBOX or PS2 or Gamecube... They have a Mac which CAN offer them what other platforms do and maybe a bit easier --rendezvous network games, drag & drop install, plug and play mice, joypads, etc!

So far, thank you Aspyr, Blizzard, et al companies which try hard to make Macs a better gaming platform... Now, if Apple will start supporting them with more gaming tools at a faster rate? 10.2.3 and the new Dev Tools are a nice step in the right direction :D
I play on my mac. Though i've considered buying an xbox .. to use it as server :D (linux, mysql, apache etc) .. besides, i cant find my fav game for pc [deimos rising] .. i'm not a game addict, apart from that i have only quake, pop pop and Xgates ;)
Originally posted by stealth
mac games might be great.(like Jedi Knight 2) but they take a long time to come to macs. Wheres Halo???

Halo isn't out for PC yet!!! Yes, I know it should be out first for Mac then everything else but hey M$ bought the poor company and then forced them to create the game for XBOX...

And yes it is AWESOME on XBOX... Now, I can't wait for Halo to play it on my PowerBook :D and I bet you can't wait to play it on your 17" PBook either :D :D :D :D
no i cant wait. especially if im on a plane goin from greece to england( or sweden) . it would be cool to take out my powerbook and start playin jedi knight. or halo. or watch a DVD on that huge screen :P its excitin.. :P
Turn it anyway you want, but for any serious online gamer a pc is the only way. I own 3 macs, and a dual processor Xeon PC just for gaming. Life is perfect :)
Originally posted by stealth
no i cant wait. especially if im on a plane goin from greece to england( or sweden) . it would be cool to take out my powerbook and start playin jedi knight. or halo. or watch a DVD on that huge screen :P its excitin.. :P

...You selfish human being! You want everything for yourself... At least don't make us envy you (some more that is :D :D :D :D :D).....
hahahahah... its a shame though that i cant have the ROCK SOLID WINDOWS XP(hahahhaha) ON MY MAC while im on the plane so that i can play solitaire:P

ohh..oops... but i forgot MacMAME is way more awsome than solitaire:P
Yes, I have a PC for games, but it's rather out-dated, so I mostly use my Mac anyways...till the PC is upgraded...
If you're a hardcore, online gamer, buying a console would be pretty silly. For one, Nintendo doesn't offer an online gaming service at the moment and two, the XBox and PS2 online services are fairly limited in content.

Also, like it or not, games on a Mac pale in comparison to their PC counterparts. They are usually crappy ports that companies fail to update regularly after their intial release. Case in point, Return To Castle Wolfenstein. It runs like crap on my Mac compared to PC even though my Mac video hardware is superior.

What's even more sad is that Aspyr, RTCW's Mac publisher, doesn't even update the game so it is pratically impossible to play online.

The same can be said for Warcraft III, Neverwinter Nights (oops, hasn't made it to the Mac yet), MoHAA, Jedi Knight II and so forth.

Another beautiful thing about PC games compared to consoles is updates and mods. Most of them are free and can transform your game into an entirely different one.
Still one thing missing from the pc gamer's bliss is diversity.
Consoles and mac games offer a change all their own. Sqauresoft defined what an RPG could be. Konami dug it's way into military combat.
Apsyr turned porting into months instead of years.
Rockstar showed the underground world of crime and grand theft auto.
Microsoft showed the world that Halo didn't have to come to pc first to be successful.
Capcom introduced the world of survival horror that is resident evil. They even created Megaman.
Mac developers bring us their own breed of game's that aren't necessarily big hits but deserve some credit.
So as you can see by these examples it is not a pc dominated world if you are a gamer.
If anything pc games are just the next door neighbor.
Originally posted by stealth
buy a pc for gaming? ...

thats why the make GAME CONSOLES! they are specialised for gaming. why buy a pc and have all sorts of problem with it when u can get an Xbox or GameCube for a much lower price and with much much better games for these platforms:)
pcs might be better for games than macs. but thats only good if u wanna buy a pc instead of a mac. if u ALREADY have a mac, WHY go buy a pc for games and waste ur money ? in that sense, Nintendo would not be alive really!

I could get a console, but I like PC gaming a lot more. I enjoy the super high resolution screen of a PC, I like mouse control a lot more than a game pad, I like being able to download additional content off the internet, and I like not having to buy a brand-new library of games every time I upgrade. I have no interest in a console. I would rather build a PC for $1300.
Hmmm... how to answer this poll with only 2 options. :rolleyes:

I own (counting) 5 computers... 4 of them are PCs, 2 of them are remote servers... 3 of them are home - of which are one each for Linux, Windows 2k, and OS X...

And I game on - NONE of them! :p
That's what my Sony Playstation 2 is for! :D

Every now and then I fire up The Sims on the PC or Unreal Tournament on the Mac - or if gaming with friends, Unreal Tournament on ALL computers both PC and Mac! heh :D

After playing a UT and Quake 3 on PS2, I came to realize that I would only play those games on a computer - they are simply too clumsy for me on PS2 (or would the keyboard and a mouse for PS2 help?).

Other than that - games are on PS2! It's BS having to upgrade hardware just to play the latest game when I've found out they are soooo much better on a console!
DVD on PS2 vs CDs on Computers?
DVD Games Win hands down!
Originally posted by prime
I could get a console, but I like PC gaming a lot more. I enjoy the super high resolution screen of a PC, I like mouse control a lot more than a game pad, I like being able to download additional content off the internet, and I like not having to buy a brand-new library of games every time I upgrade. I have no interest in a console. I would rather build a PC for $1300.

For $1300 you could buy a console AND an entire library of games that would last about the same time - if not more on a console since the games will be made FOR the console's hardware, and not have to upgrade components every few months just because the PC Game makers decided to user the latest hardware.

Plus, with the consoles now being online - and hard drives either already here, or coming (donno about Nintendo tho) - that argument is becoming a mute point. Plus consoles are soooo much more stable than PCs (um, I won't vouch for a M$ product tho! :p Knowing them :rolleyes:).

Get a VGA converter for the console and plug any VGA monitor into it - looks sooooo much sweeter! Keyboards and mice are also available (I'll be trying that sooner or later).

I used to be an avid PC Gamer... I had the latest/greatest... then it started feeling so fregging rediculous to me to be throwing away that much money just because I couldn't play the newest game!
Ok.. I think some of you are a bit uh... Confused.
a) If you think a game on a (comparitively) small computer monitor, is better than the same game on a large tv screen, then i think you need to invest in a new TV. if you insist on Hi-Res games because you just want to be able to tell people that although they can't see the difference it's actually there, buy a HDTV, and a HDTV kit for the console (i dunno if PS2 has this, but as much as i hate MS, xbox is by far the best gaming console at the moment)

b) as for "internet" play, why play with someone who is 10 000 kms away, and have to deal with lag and pay $100's (or $1000's) a month for a 'net connection that will allow online gaming. Once again, PS2 supports 2 machines, x-box supports up to 4 (with halo) and up to 16 machines (Yes, 16 x 4 = 64 Max players) in UT. And, all you need is a cheap Hub/Switch and some Cat5.

c) as for cost. I assume you meant $US1300, which is roughly $A2600. I know someone who has an X-Box, 3 controllers, and about 13 or 14 games. it has cost him about $2000. but how many PC games, can you have four people playing at once? how many PC games can you play from the comfort of your own COUCH?? And, while we're on the cost issue. Unless you're gonna start buying pirated games/OS (which i have nothing against, but it drops the price on both sides, and im assuming everything is legit), if you want to run Windows games, you have to buy a copy of Windows. Last time i checked, WindowsXP Home cost more than an Xbox. Then there's the games. Are they supported by XP? Do you need '98 as well? Do you have fully supported Video/Audio cards? Is your Motherboard fully supported? Does the game have a beef with your modem? Don't tell me it doesn't happen nowadays, because it does.

The bottom line is, computers, that is, Desktop/Laptop/Server/Mainframe computers, were not DESIGNED for games.

"Video" Game Consoles/Etc (incl. Atari/Sega ANYTHING/Nintendo ANYTHING/ PSX, PSOne, PS2, Xbox, etc) are specifically designed to play games, on your TV. Sure, the xbox is basically a desktop in a small case with a cutdown ROM OS, but it is designed to play games. Do you think Apple, or Microsoft, or even the Linux community's main goal is to make a Desktop OS that runs games? No. They want an OS that is stable, can be used in a VARIETY of manners, and yet still be easy to use. a console is tailored for games. until EVERY house has something that resembles the future/ideology of Apple's Digital Lifestyle, then computers will ALWAYS be secondary for gaming.

Now that OSX is unix based the porting should be much easier, ID make all their stuff in unix platforms, os things like Quake III, reurn to Wolfenstein, and Doom 3 should port easily, its already been proted to Linux, most of them just needed an 8meg file and then just used the PC cd anyway on Linux, can't see Mac being much harder.

Ill just be happy when they release 1942, thats all anyone plays at LAN's these days from what Ive seen. SIMS online would be cool too though.