If You're a Gamer...

Ill just be happy when they release 1942, thats all anyone plays at LAN's these days from what Ive seen. SIMS online would be cool too though. [/B]

I hope you're ready to wait a real long time because the maker of the game isn't allowing the source code to be released to game porters.

Personally this is going to sound very negative, but I've just about lost all my patience w/ gaming on the mac. Ports STILL take too long. I don't care if it's better than it was 5 or 10 years ago. That was then, this is now. Things move at a faster pace now. I've just about had it with how much slower OpenGL is compared to DirectX, thus making every game on the mac that much more slower than the PC counterpart. Factor in the slower bus speeds, and things get even worse. Before I go off too much that being said as soon as I get a real job I'm getting a PC for all my comp gaming, keeping the mac for any internet/work related activities, and using my consoles for the rest of my gaming. I guess I want to do this because I'm just a very hardcore gamer.
I suppose that's an okay way to go... at least you won't be ditching your Mac.

I don't know if I'd ever buy a PC for gaming (I'd take a free one for sure); I don't mind putting money into a place like Nexus CybrCade because I can go there for a few hours, play the latest games (heh, 1942) for $2/hr, and not have to buy any games I will play for a while and then ditch.
Halo on a powerbook will look minging, a 64meg graphics card will jsut be getting the minimum out of halo unfortuantly, shame im on the 867 and have 32 ddr lol.
Minging? :confused:

The Xbox only has 64 MB of RAM, so if they could get it to run well on the Xbox, they should hopefully be able to get Halo to run without too heavy requirements on the Mac/PC. I agree, though, that you'll probably need a minimum of 64 MB VRAM.
Just joined and red this ROFL that is too funny!

MacAddict For Life
Originally posted by stealth
hahahahah... its a shame though that i cant have the ROCK SOLID WINDOWS XP(hahahhaha) ON MY MAC while im on the plane so that i can play solitaire:P

ohh..oops... but i forgot MacMAME is way more awsome than solitaire:P

LOL this is the Quote ::ha::

MacAddict For Life

Welcome to the board!

I'd say put everything from "CeeMacAddict" and under in your signature, that way you don't have to write it every time (click on User CP at the top of the page, and click on Profile). Also, perhaps make the large text 1 size smaller.
First off, it's a computer, not a game machine, and Mac makes a far more transparent COMPUTER than Win ever could... even with gigahertz processors, so long as a window is closed with Alt-F4, the %#&@ things just aren't intuitive or right-brain friendly, so why put yourself through trying to make a computer into a game machine?

I have a digital recording studio. I have Digital Performer, but my Mac is a COMPUTER, not a recording machine, so I bought a Fostex dedicated HD recording unit. It works great, sounds great. Can I put unimportant sweetening tracks on the Mac? Sure can, even have a high-dollar card to allow it to stay digital. Does it sound as good? Hell, no, cuz the computer's OS is still busy being a computer.

Don't try to use a hammer to open your sardine can. PS2 and Xbox are both well worth the money.

My 2 cents, worth what ya paid for it...
First I'm going to get a new PowerBook. Then I'm going to buy a PC, or actually build one (wish me good luck it'll be my first :p).
I'm doing it for a couple of reasons. One is for gaming but it's also so I can learn the PC environment better, both Windows and Linux (I know that there's linux for mac as well). I'm a Mac person at heart but I can see the use of knowing both world, it's for my benefit and it would give me more leverage trying to persuade others to switch to mac ;)

:( It's a quest of knowledge, I'll give you that! If I was at your position I would try to learn Mac OS X and it's apps at their fullest as well as Unix... Plus, I would support the Mac gaming platform which from what I gather is pretty much going up and up and up some more! If you want to become a more platform agnostic you could give a shot to other platforms, say SGI or SUN for example... There you could learn some pretty amazing stuff!

Most probably you decided already about learning Windows and convinced yourself how necessary that is but don't fool yourself... Until the next major Windows release (the so called LongHorn) there is nothing to earn from Windows and maybe even then it would be questionable to do so.

As for persuading others to switch to Mac because you would know Windows better at least don't tell them that you own a PC! Can you convince one that Levi's is better than Diesel if you wear Diesel and/or Levi's? hmmmm... I think you get the point :D

Anyways, not something to argue about just some points to think from another point of view... I wish you the best in whatever you may end up doing! Especially in your PowerBook quest... ;)
Hulk, come on, I shouldn't have to help you with this. If you own Levi's and Diesel and you prefer the Levi's, say that; say the Diesels are uncomfortable and stiff, and you have to keep adjusting them, while you forget that you're wearing the Levi's and can concentrate on the activities of your day. (I haven't worn Diesels, so I can't make this comparison, but it's the idea that counts here. :))

Likewise, tell people you have both a Mac and a PC, and you hate the PC because it's always crashing, it's slow, you have to do weird stuff to troubleshoot it, etc. while you barely have to worry about your Mac and you can concentrate on what's important, like getting stuff done.

I am a better Windows user than most consumers out there, and I hate Windows. Sure, I can find my way around it in a jiffy, but it's always a different matter depending on the computer's setup and it takes me a little while to adjust to the computer's format. With a Mac, no matter what the setup is (unless it's really weird and third-party), I can find my way around easily with very little adjustment. Knowing Windows will really just help you brag that you know Mac and Windows, and it looks good on your résumé.
I voted yes as the xbox is essentially a stripped down pc, haven't had a powerful enuf mac for games until now (G5 2ghz) but still spend over 20 hours a week on the xbox (xbox live actually) and with counter strike, rainbow 6, doom 3, halo 2 all on the way in the next couple of months I couldn't justify getting a "standard" pc for gaming.
LOL, if you are anybody with loads of money, buy one. With 8 GB RAM. And 2 hard drives. And a Fibre Channel PCI card, just for kicks. ;)