iLife -- appears I'm screwed and must pay another $50?


I just bought a new PowerBook about 3 weeks ago, and the new iLife updates come out today. From what I'm hearing (reading), I'm going to have to pay $50 to get my iPhoto update/iLife update? I'm mainly an iPhoto user, I don't use iMovie, iDVD, and won't be using GarageBand. So, I'm basically interested in the iTunes and iPhoto updates.

I'm going to have to spend $50 for minor, yet worthwhile updates to two of the five products that are offered in iLife? I have to order online and provide shipping, and not receive until probably late January? Can't download the product updates? Upgrades are only for people who buy macs starting today?

That's somewhat frustrating to me.

I know it's a cheap suite of powerful applications, but c'mon, atleast let me upgrade individual apps that I use, not purchase the entire suite of products that I just bought three weeks ago.

Please tell me I'm misunderstanding something?

crawfordna said:
I just bought a new PowerBook about 3 weeks ago, and the new iLife updates come out today. From what I'm hearing (reading), I'm going to have to pay $50 to get my iPhoto update/iLife update? I'm mainly an iPhoto user, I don't use iMovie, iDVD, and won't be using GarageBand. So, I'm basically interested in the iTunes and iPhoto updates.

I'm going to have to spend $50 for minor, yet worthwhile updates to two of the five products that are offered in iLife? I have to order online and provide shipping, and not receive until probably late January? Can't download the product updates? Upgrades are only for people who buy macs starting today?

That's somewhat frustrating to me.

I know it's a cheap suite of powerful applications, but c'mon, atleast let me upgrade individual apps that I use, not purchase the entire suite of products that I just bought three weeks ago.

Please tell me I'm misunderstanding something?


dont buy a new computer weeks before well known major product updates and bitch about not having them included?

right. because everyone knew that they were going to be updating the ilife stuff. don't be a jerk.

for what its worth, i'm think we all get that "must have the newest version" syndrome at some point or another. just use what you have for a while. it must not be too bad or you wouldn't use it in the first place. i agree it sucks though.
fbp_ said:
dont buy a new computer weeks before well known major product updates and bitch about not having them included?


I bought a new computer for a new computer, not the suite of applications. I bought the powerbook G4 because I knew no product update would occur at MWSF 2004 for this particular line, so I do follow your advice. In any case, I don't buy new computers for the software that comes with them. I agree it's not that big of a deal, just frustrating.
We already have iTunes 4.2. Does this mean we won't be getting anymore updates to iTunes for free? Which means we won't be able to get any updates to the Music Store. Apple can't be this stupid or arrogant can they?

Don't care if iMovie is updated. I'm using FCE. And I'll pay for the upgrade on this. Don't care for GarageBand. I have no interest in producing my own music. Don't need iDVD. I've got an iBook. So this leaves me with only iPhoto. $49 to upgrade iPhoto? I'm sick of paying Apple $50 here and $50 there. Just bought Panther. I should get iLife for free. Just renewed my .mac account. God knows why. I don't use anything on it. I'm planning on getting a G5 in the next 3 or 4 months. Someone please tell me why I'm doing this if Apple is going to start charging us for everything. Hey, I hear Apple has a free browser called Safari. Oops. Better not say that too loud. Steve might announce an update for it at his next keynote for $49.

crawfordna said:
I just bought a new PowerBook about 3 weeks ago, and the new iLife updates come out today. From what I'm hearing (reading), I'm going to have to pay $50 to get my iPhoto update/iLife update? I'm mainly an iPhoto user, I don't use iMovie, iDVD, and won't be using GarageBand. So, I'm basically interested in the iTunes and iPhoto updates.

I'm going to have to spend $50 for minor, yet worthwhile updates to two of the five products that are offered in iLife? I have to order online and provide shipping, and not receive until probably late January? Can't download the product updates? Upgrades are only for people who buy macs starting today?

That's somewhat frustrating to me.

I know it's a cheap suite of powerful applications, but c'mon, atleast let me upgrade individual apps that I use, not purchase the entire suite of products that I just bought three weeks ago.

Please tell me I'm misunderstanding something?

"dont buy a new computer weeks before well known major product updates and bitch about not having them included?"

Who has time to learn and know of such things? I'm in the same boat, but I don't care about having the latest apps. Apple has a long history of screwing people who just bought systems, so this latest one comes as no surprise. The one thing I have learned about Apple over the years is to not expect anything more than a fraction of customer appreciation or loyalty. To access that fraction one must threaten legal action. Apple is a marketing machine that creates great products. They clearly do not care about their customers because they know that for every dissatisfied whining customer, they can always pick up another through their pompous, cliche-ridden advertisements.
Well, iTunes 4.2 (the version included with iLife) is available for a free download. Doesn't look like the others are though, as yet.
Last time they did this, everything *except* iDVD3 was downloadable -- too big to download, they said.

I'm betting this time it'll be Garage Band -- after all, it apparently installs from a DVD-ROM...
This is what I read:
Pricing & Availability
iLife ‘04 will be available on January 16 for a suggested retail price of $49 (US) through the Apple Store® (, Apple’s retail stores and Apple Authorized Resellers. The iLife ‘04 applications will also be included with all new Macs. An iLife Up-To-Date upgrade package is available to all customers who purchase a new Mac on or after January 6 that does not include iLife ‘04. The iLife Up-To-Date package is available for a shipping and handling fee of $19.95 (US). iTunes version 4.2 is currently available as a free download at
lonny said:
They will be available as free downloads in the coming days! :D

I think if that was true it would be avalible to download now, not in a few days. Also, I think Steve Jobs would of mentioned that.
Of course iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie updates will be available for free, don't be ridiculous. The whole point of the iLife suite is that it is a free, consumer oriented offering. You (probably) already have iTunes 4.2, which is a free download and the rest will probably be made available on the 16th.
iDVD will not be made available for download: Steve said so last year because of the size.
GarageBand is even bigger, so that's what you pay for.
If you just install iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie you need 250 MB, if you also install iDVD and GarageBand you need more than 4 GB. If you do not have the 'net backbone running through your backyard that's a lot of data. I know the installers are smaller than the installed programs, but I suppose GarageBand would be well over a gigabyte with all the loops and stuff.
$ 50,- sounds like a great price: it already costs as much and now they added GarageBand. It's a good deal. I hope they'll give a fair price in Europe, meaning not MORE than
cfleck said:
right. because everyone knew that they were going to be updating the ilife stuff. don't be a jerk.

It's been discussed for weeks. Somebody call the waaaaaahmbulance for this guy. Sorry, but I bought a G4 AlBook on 12/24 and do not expect to weasel iLife 4 as a freebie. That's part of owning a computer.
i could see iPhoto, iTunes and iMovie being free, with iDVD and Garageband being the two you have to buy to get. like last year. if not, it's only 50 bucks for a bunch of killer apps.
I am always amazed at how upset people get when the product they just bought gets updated soon after. What were they expecting? Like that was the last version that would ever be made?

What should Apple do instead? Announce weeks or months ahead of time for every single product update so they can guarantee that the current inventory will not sell? Bad business.

Sure, it's annoying when we get bitten by the upgrade bug, but that's just the way it is. It happens on all platforms, all manufacturers, all developers all the time.

As for this thread title specifically, saying you're "screwed" is a bit harsh. First of all, not to be snooty, but $50 is a joke. A total bargain. Another $50 for that lineup is a steal. Think of it as paying $50 for Garage Band. And if you don't want Garage Band, then who cares?

I mean, if you weren't going to be satisfed with what you bought, when you bought it, then why'd you buy it!?


p.s. I also realize that not everyone alive knows when and where all the Apple expos are happening, but take this as a lesson learned. Never, ever buy any Apple product within earshot of one.