Illustrator CS "unexpectedly quits" in Tiger


This just started. When I start up Illustrator in gets to the "updating fonts" dialog and quits. Any solutions?

1. Rebuild permissions: apps/utilities/disk utility/repair permissions
2. Turn off all fonts in suitcase, then activate futura only and see if the problem persists
3. delete the illustrator .pref file and see if Illustrator restarts.
4. restart your computer, does this fix the issue?

Let us know what happens.
This thread caught my attention because I'm having the same problem with Illustrator CS quitting on start up in exactly the same fashion.

I had previously discovered that quittling suitcase "fixes" the problem. Let me add to this by saying that the problem began when I upgraded to Suitcase X1.

Interestingly, if after successfully starting Illustrator with Suitcase off, I can then restart Suitcase with no problem.

I tried the other 3 suggestions from Natobasso to no avail. (BTW, I'm also a bass player and a computer graphics guy! Coincidence? who knows....)

Anyway, the problem is obviously a source of irritation...anybody got any ideas?
Very cool that we are so much alike. It's funny, but a lot of bass players are graphic artists too. Jeff Ament from Pearl Jam being the most immediate example. :)

So what else do you have on your computer? How much RAM?
Hello to the deep south west from the far north! (Sault Ste. Marie, MI)

That's cool about the graphic designer/bass player thing---didn't know that about Jeff Ament. Great band. Never topped "10" though....

Anyway, fell in love all over again with Mac after being dragged kicking and screaming away from years of comfortable system 9 & Pagemaker and my well-feathered bed therein. Love Tiger, love my widgets, love mail, love that Firefox 1.5 came out simultaneously in Windows and Mac. Learning to tolerate Indesign.
So I'm running a G4 with 768mgs ram. I'm keeping my old System 9 machine and have been able to successfully network to it (thanks to folks at!) as well as my windows machine. It's been interesting getting them all to work together, but it was worthwhile. Now I'm like Rick Wakeman jumping from keyboard to keyboard---is that giving away my age? Ha!

Sorry if I'm blathering---new at this forum posting stuff. This site has been great though, we two or three hardcore Mac users around here are in a real wasteland of local tech resources. Thanks for your help!

BTW---What do you play? I've got an old Ricky, a new Ricky (both black 4003's), an offbeat Apollo violin bass and a cheap but lovable chinese upright.
Oh -- forgot to mention. I solved my Illustrator problem (see top of thread) by deep sixing Suitcase entirely. Can't say for sure what was the culprit. But "Fontbook" is all I need for font management. Just turn em on when I want them and shut them off when I don't. Won't badmouth Suitcase just yet, but I think I might have wasted $50 bucks.
Hey Guys you'll never guess what... I am a bass player too. Imagine that.
I tried the preferences re-build but to no avail. I didn't know where to find the Illustrator. pref file so if you could direct me there that might do it.

Thanks again,
Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator CS Settings/Adobe Illustrator Prefs :)

I play a sting ray and a Ken Smith. You?
Have you recently installed any fonts? If so, try removing them from your home folder-->library-->fonts folder.
I play an OLD Washburn. Not much anymore though I sold my amp when my daughter came on the scene.

Still can't get Illustrator to load up :( Im working off a CS upgrade that might have something to do with it. Maybe because my previous versions have been "borrowed" there is something missing. I will also go the route of Fuzzy and trash the Suitcase for Font book.

Very cool bout da bass.

Do you have both Suitcase and Font Book running at the same time? Choose only one and that might solve your problem. Many conflicts arise when both are trying to activate fonts.

Let me know.
yyyyyoooo I trashed the Illustrator Pref AND wiped out Suitcase and Illustrator CS works again!!! You DA MAN.
wish I could take all the credit… ;)

by "wiped out" do you mean erased completely? Not sure that was necessary…but glad your issue is resolved!
Not a bass player but I seemed to have solved the problem with more RAM. With 3-4 GB RAM illustrator runs much better and doesn't crash. Why it's such a pig I don't understand.
Depends entirely on your files. Do you have a lot of placed raster images? Those will bloat your illustrator files considerably.
I usually have a jpg file as a template but that's it. It certainly slows down my computer more than Freehand ever did.