Illustrator CS3, Colour fading when importing images



I am using illustrator and when ever i import and image to the file I am working on it will darken the colours and I dont know if it is ment to do that or its my mac,

I am running a PowerPC G4 1.25 with 2gig ram and 110Gb HD Leopard

Thanks guys

What kind of file are you importing? GIF? JPG? EPS? Photoshop?

Are there any color profiles embedded in the file you're importing?
I tried both Gif and PNG becuase of the transparency,

and i don't think so about the colour profiles, on the files its just basically a telephone in white
Is it possible you can attach your files? If you can attach your ai file and the gifs, let me know how you are importing (placing, opening directly...), we may be able to tell you exactly what the problem is.
I tried both Gif and PNG becuase of the transparency,

and i don't think so about the colour profiles, on the files its just basically a telephone in white
Color profiles are a lot more important than you think.

Visit this page: I know he's referring to web/browser color managment on those pages but exactly the same things happen in print.

Search around the site for more, I know there are more pages but I don't have time to search them out. Take the time to understand how Photoshop manages color profiles. It's not hard but if you get it wrong you can chase your own tail for a long time.
Check your color settings in your Adobe applications too. Check which working color space you are using, and what the applications are supposed to do when documents lack profiles or when profiles don't match your working profile.