I'm at my wits end!


Someone please help!! I'm at my wits end. My Illustrator CS Unexpectedly Quits when I start it up, it doesn't even go to a complete open and it shuts down with that SEND A REPORT TO APPLE. I've trashed preferences, checked my fonts, re-installed....No idea and I really need it! Someone please help, I'd be ever so greatful.
Have you repaired permissions? You also might try turning on Illustrator after a restart with all fonts deactivated. Which font program do you use?

You may have to reinstall Illustrator as it has a habit of going bad like this...
oh thanks for replying. Where do I go to repair permissions and how do I do it? thats one thing I haven't tried. I hade the Suitcare Xtensis (sp?) installed but took it out and now I have the default FONT BOOK.

I used to be a huge PC girl and now have made my way over to the MAC and don't even touch my PC, I just bought my new MAN like a month ago so I am fairly new to it but know my way around. Thank you so much....Gabby
First, stop using FontBook especially if you are a graphic designer. :) Use FontExplorer. It's free here: http://www.linotype.com/FontExplorerX
Just don't turn on autoactivation for Illustrator--I've found it causes illustrator to crash.

Store all of your user fonts outside of HD/Library/Fonts so your comp doesn't have to load ALL your fonts every time you turn it on. Let the font app manage that.

Okay, so permissions: apps/utilities/disk utility/repair permissions. Do this once a month or when you have problems.

If this doesn't work, do a repair in Single-User Boot Mode: restart and hold command + s till black screen with white text/type fsck -f (forces system repair; is perfectly safe)/type reboot when operation complete.

You're very welcome! I just got my first pc laptop so I can test websites and do asp.net code on it.

Let me know how it goes.
Ok so Ive done the permissions, trashed prefrences, and installed that font program and it still does it. I think throwing my computer out the window should do the trick! *SIGH* The font book is still in my APPLICATIONS with the fonts in them...should be that way right?
Move your fonts out of your Hard Drive/Library/Fonts folder into a folder in your hard drive called MY FONTS, or something like that. Turn off Font book. Then activate FontExplorer and load all your fonts into it, but don't activate any of them yet.

You can actually use FontExplorer to move your user fonts out of Library/Fonts for you into a location of your choosing. Just go to Tools/Clean System Fonts and it will move all your fonts to the desktop.

Try Illustrator after that and let me know what happens.
I did everything else except the Tools/Clean System Font where do I find the tools...I know I know what you're thinking "You're a tool yourself!" bahahahahahha Thanks for the help seriusly even if nothing gets resolved. :o)
It's no problem. I like doing this more than work! ;)

In the FE app, go to the menu at the top (File, etc.) and go right till you hit the Tools menu. Then click. Go down the list till you see Clean System fonts...
You may have to reinstall your illustrator app.

But first, create a new user account (System Preferences/Accounts/Security/check Administer this Computer) and call it TEST and make sure it can "administer this computer" (checkbox). Then run Illustrator. If this works then there's something wrong with the usual account you run your computer on causing illustrator to crash.

The next step (you should do this anyway) is to download OnyX and run all cleaning options available. This will probably take about an hour to complete all cleaning and fixes. Download Onyx here: http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/11582

If even this doesn't work then I'd say to reinstall Illustrator.

You can keep bugging me, it's okay! In fact, it's not bugging me at all.
Ok so we're making progress. Made another account, logged into it, opened up Illustrator CS and there was NO CRASH!!! So now what? I don't want to log into the TEST everytime I have to use Illustrator...that would suck big time. :o( I downloaded that program you told me too and am running the clean thing on it right now and then Ill restart and try to open Illustrator again. Also, if this works.....Thanks ahead of time so much!!! and what about the fonts the I moved around, that doesn't affect my system in any way does it?
Your fonts are fine; FontExplorer just moves non-system fonts so you're good there. Hopefully OnyX fixes your system on your normal account and you'll be good to go. Keep the TEST account just in case.

Your last resort might be to reinstall illustrator.
Try this. Create new user with admin privilages (System Preferences/Accounts/+).

Log out and re-login using the new account. See what Illustrator does and report back.
Ok so we're making progress. Made another account, logged into it, opened up Illustrator CS and there was NO CRASH!!! So now what? I don't want to log into the TEST everytime I have to use Illustrator...that would suck big time. :o( I downloaded that program you told me too and am running the clean thing on it right now and then Ill restart and try to open Illustrator again. Also, if this works.....Thanks ahead of time so much!!! and what about the fonts the I moved around, that doesn't affect my system in any way does it?

I don't have illustrator installed on my machine right now, so I can't give you exact instructions. If Illustrator continues to act up on your existing account, move the preferences files for Illustrator to the desktop, located in /Users/<you>/Library/Preferences/
Try this. Create new user with admin privilages (System Preferences/Accounts/+).

Log out and re-login using the new account. See what Illustrator does and report back.

She's already done this. It worked fine. We're trying to find out why it's bad in her usual user account; I suggested a reinstall of Illustrator since she's done all the other usual steps to try to correct the problem...
Hello again! Long time no talk! I've reinstalled Illustrator and still shuts down! :o( Flush the computer down the toilet?
When you set up a new user account (with admin privilages), Illustrator worked.

Why not back up your Home Folder files/docs/images and re-login to this new account.

Then delete the orginal account. Reload your files/docs/images etc. into your new Home Folder.
Ok but since I am new at MACS here, can't I just make that new user and through the new user transfer all my files from the exsisting user?