I'm sorry

I'd have to say that I agree with Ed (not that my opinion counts for much): NeYo, your style of typing leaves a reader with the sense that you have a severe lack of sophistication. From your later posts to this thread one can tell that that is not the case, so why mask your intelligence with a bunch of street jargon mixed with chatroom shorthand? When read aloud, your posts remind me of the Brian Fellows skits on SNL. This is really not the image anyone would want in a forum like this, where everyone is trying to discuss, argue, and reason things out. Looke at Herve's posts: sure, a lot of them make no sense, but at least everyone can read them. And when he has something constructive to say, it comes out clearly and in real English. What happens when you try to express your opinions? The very thing that happened to Ed: people can't make hide nor hare of it.
thanks Guys, but "my style" hasn't Come from chat rooms, i Don't like 2 hang around with Perv's, personally... not my thing! ... i just post on msg boards, share opinions and all!

Ed ... u Don't know what is Meant by Eng?!
LOL! ... thats Mos Def Not "Chatroom" slang ... But an abbreviation of ENGAND/ENGLISH!
Much like, i imagine U're Countries USA represents United States of America!

Believe me, writing in this manner, is not something i think ... "ooh, i'll do it 2 gain attention, or be different" its just the way i write! ... Something i would find equally hard 2 get rid off! ... i appreciate how u may think its very Street! And i agree, that i am not a Street "kid" kinda person! ... Fair Enough, i have use plenty of Words, for Which the Oxford Eng(lish) Dictionairy would not list ... But i never do consider myself 2 be that kinda person! ... Sorry that u guys may find "my style" kinda hard 2 understand ... But this is the only board, that i have come across, where everyone writes, everything, more or less, how they would in an "everyday enviroment" ... i am certain this is nothing 2 do with intelligence, but just a little strange!

Not 2 Worry... As i sed, i couldn't really change the way for which i write, on my computer ... And in "reality" when i write, i can do so in a normal manner, it's merely a habit for which is hard 2 ditch, whilst on Msg Boards and So Forth! ... I am Sure, in time, it will Grow upon u guys!

Originally posted by ZeroAltitude
Actually, I'm a programmer and a grad student in Philosophy. So any ability I have to avoid ticking people off and belittling them is purely accidental. ;-)

scr1p7 k1dd33z


This is the Kinda Slang, that is beyond me... Some Peeps say things like 733 or something, and i am totally LOST! :confused:

Well, I certainly *enjoy* trying to find out what you mean when your sp33k gets totally weird. But it also makes it difficult to understand you at times. But whether I consider it to be a 'style' or not, this board hasn't been an experimental literary platform so far...

Maybe I should also develop 'my own style' in writing on this board. Maybe by einfüging strangely anglicised deutsch words? I'm sure if someone really wants to understand what I schreib they'd run the words through the Fisch, but most of the time they would just skip einkopf.


i guess part of my original point is that i have 'grown' weary of it. It's not like that was the first post you wrote in that style. and maybe the higher and more refined level of communication around here in general is one reason i like this site above all others.

eng - never seen it used as an abbreviation. could mean english speaking (which i am), england (where i'm not) or engineers (which i am not).

now that last post was quite readable. i can't imagine it was that difficult to do and believe me it still leaves you with a certain unique stylistic identification.

I know this whole issue is probably a bit picky and maybe even a little rude or selfcentered on my part. I am definitly not trying to suggest in any way that you change or leave or anything stupid like that. I guess i just want to be able to talk with you without it causing me physical pain. (hey, when you're eyes start getting to the point where mine have in the last few years, you will understand)

would this be fair to ask of you - use any style you want for short posts. I think everybody can deal with a sentence to paragraph worth of your style. but for longer discourses, tone it down to the level of your last post? at least if it is something you would like us old fuddy duddies to read and participate in.

How you present to the world will always be how people judge you, like it or not. perhaps the self awareness of how this affects others will give you pause for thought about how you would like to be perceived. Just as i don't wear a suit and tie to the beach, i don't wear tie dyes to work.;)
Originally posted by FaRuvius
...So in the end, this is what it cost me to "upgrade" my PC:

new proc and motherboard: $316
new atx case: $130
new 17gb HD: $80
new NIC: $10
windows XP: $115
Hours spent obtaining a stable system: 25+

Total cost: $600 + 25 hours of my time.
Don't forget the other 500 hours you'll spend over the life the the PeeCee.

Heck, even if you only make minimum wage, that 500 hours alone is worth the price of a Mac... And if you make double minimum wage, you've got yourself a screaming dual-1Ghz machine.

Personally I think you should not sell yourself short. You're worth at least $100/hr! (regardless of what your boss actually pays you) ;)
W0@! tH!S iZ h0W !'M goNnA tYpE fRoM n0W oN cUz nEy0z mY hEr0... ... ...1 mEeN tH!S !Z a Bl@St... ... ...^^&*--AY?--*&^^... ... ..! lUv m$ cUz tHAy mAiK w!Nd0z...[w0O/hUu b@YBeE]... ... ...! wAnT 2 c0pEe tH!s cUz ! M n0t 0R!j!n@L !N @nEe wE!gH... ... ... 0 w0W, !M w!tH tHu "!N kR0wD" n0W... ... ...!M kUhl u R n0T... ... ...

That was pretty funny, chemistry_geek. :)

I'm sure some of you might be amused that I actually made a couple keyboard layouts that mapped the keys to symbols, and one where it mapped some of the letters to numbers to make the "hax0r" speech.

It was pretty hilarious when I used it on GameRanger. Everyone was like, "Wow, how do you TYPE THAT FAST?". Very amusing, if you know the kind of people on GameRanger.
ouch, my brain nearly seized just looking at that c_geek !!:eek:

I think I have stirred up far more than I ever imagined with this. But apparently I am not alone in my perceptions. I guess it all boils down to this for me - not undertanding a genius is about as helpful as understanding a fool.

Neyo, we have been glad to have you here all along. We have helped you with your requests for icons and apps and God knows what else. I think you impressed most of us with what you did with them. Those communications were all short and sweet. But if we are to help you with the next step and the problems of your 'transition' then maybe you could help us to understand you more easily. For just as I can't respond to people who post in foreign languages (to me), neither can i respond to your posts if I can't read them and understand them. I assume those who post in other languages are communicating in semi-private and aren't worried about responses from anyone who doesn't know the language. I am not sure if anybody here speaks Neyo. (ok, c_geek can write it, i'm not convinced he can read it. maybe if he would translate the post that started all this...)

FaRuvius - I'm Sorry for taking your thread so far off topic. But i am afraid I would have said this to Neyo eventually anyway. and as for your sins - give yourself 3 lashes, say three hail marys and you are forgiven. of course you are the one who has to live in the hell you have created so don't make those lashes too painfull.;)

It took my 30 minutes to type that $#!T. I don't even think that way. Horrible horrible experience (It does give some insight into the mind of the twisted). One must be sick and twisted not only to write that but the "THINK" in that gibberish. - ACK! I agree with Ed, when you're reading at 700 gazillion miles per hour, coming across that stuff is like getting slowed down by a combination of really thick mud and molasses.


Sorry for the of-topic post, I agree with Ed again, this would have been mentioned sooner or later.
Originally posted by ZeroAltitude
What is going on?? The last post was on-topic... ;-)
Pl3a53 3xcu53 m3 f0r that...At w0rk I manag3 a gr0up 0f f0lks 3as1ly distract3d by tang3nt5... s0 I gu355 1 k1ck3d 1nt0 b055 m0d3 by try1ng to 5t33r th1s d15cu5510n back 0n t0p1c... :)
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
W0@! tH!S iZ h0W !'M goNnA tYpE fRoM n0W oN cUz nEy0z mY hEr0... ... ...1 mEeN tH!S !Z a Bl@St... ... ...^^&*--AY?--*&^^... ... ..! lUv m$ cUz tHAy mAiK w!Nd0z...[w0O/hUu b@YBeE]... ... ...! wAnT 2 c0pEe tH!s cUz ! M n0t 0R!j!n@L !N @nEe wE!gH... ... ... 0 w0W, !M w!tH tHu "!N kR0wD" n0W... ... ...!M kUhl u R n0T... ... ...


well Done Dude! ... thats really Cool! << Claps @ ~~KeM!sTrEe=gimp~~

Neyo - there is a thread called OS X icons where another pc user is looking to make their pc like osx. since many of us helped you do the same, would you mind helping this person out (and BlingBling too)? :)
I love Windows PCs - they keep me busy! ;)

I'm a PC Tech (thus explains my collection of computers). And boy have I collected similar stories. (actually, collected some computers that where in most of those stories from owners giving up on them! lol)

I had two PCs do the exact same thing yours did - one a customer's (ended up building her a new system), and the other was mine! A Customer's is one thing - but it also happened to the one I earned my bread and butter on!!! Espcially when I have no spare cash - it was very frustrating!

$600 later (that I didn't have to begin with)... I went through most of the same things you did! :P

It's been under a year (I think? lost track) since I got my Mac, and I've been using Windows less and less and actually refuse to do certain things on a PC - even if I have to do a few more steps to do it on my Mac - so be it! :)

I look it it this way, my PC is pretty much now a pretty strong "XBox" that I can upgrade all I want and be able to play a wide range of games on, watch DVDs, burn CDs (and run some programs I can't afford to get or are not available for OSX yet), and if it crashes - no problem, the computer I earn my bread 'n butter on is not disabled! :)

Alto my Mac can do all that (well, except for DVDs, I only have a CDRW drive), I guess eventually OSX (and Linux) will phaze out Windows for my personal use completly* (except for games I imagine, unless game development for Macs pic up). I'm 95% there now! ;)

*I am a PC Tech and Network Administrator, I will probably always use Windows for that... but that's how I make my money! Fixing Windows PCs! :)
well, ok testuser, now you are bordering on obsessive complusive behavior. (of course i do that about 2/3's of the time too, but...):D ;)

the real problem is that i just don't know how to spell every word.

Tommy - I will get you for that!! please go back to beating your employees!!

c_geek - I hope you are ok and not permanently damaged? If yu are still feeling like that after 24hrs, consider haveing an MRI and making sure no neurological activity has been altered.:D

(well, at least we don't have to worry about you doing it again;) )
Well now I don't feel so all alone about checking what I write before posting. Especially the technical responses.

Learned a little lesson when using beta browsers for posting...use TextEdit.
Nothing so frustrating than working on a reply and having it go up in smoke.

I might give group therapy a shot.
WARNING: FATAL ~~NeYo~~ CORRUPTION ERROR! #$% $#...%^& %^&*...0-=0#Q &*()^* ©??ºª ø? ?®ji i ???ø'jknla ...sdts... aw4apo zdt67rl... .s.... srtwruwsr DFg...hD Fynjds$%^*(S FnnET68e5S&,oSr56 bS...Dtf...udm...tydty8kED...ET<idryuI fugF dOg hEre n0W oUcH^ **&...jEcKl ~N~ hYdE... fOrGoT mUfFy hOuNd ... ^tOm...dIcK..&...hArRy! ```[...]}|\...\<:"> sDf#$3D%^&8764A098SJ90-hgytd...tRee fRogs...$%^&*4 $^($$^( 469469 4987 dghJDjgdhj dgyjj h h kk rti djjhg sdrtse r6i oysd ary uyi ds tsbh s Hillside sdh^^788 monkey * pinch me porcupine stalls maggots in mud files...^*$#/...Necessay...Evolution...Youth...Oncogene...Septuagenarian...Ubiquitous...Colcothar...Kyphosis...Sapogenin...%^$* [COUGH]...hipp0P0nTamification...[Ah...hoooah]...$%*#$%^7...[HACK]...dgj%^&*...[RALPH]...NO! NO! NOooooooo...HELP, DADDY NEEDS HIS PILLS!...NO! NO! THat's not rIght....This isn't real...help me help me...

Oh I feel so much better now. The confusion, the disorder, it was so stagnating, so suffocating. Ah....the return to normalcy.

DISCLAIMER: There are no hidden messages in this text. Any similarity to actual people are purely coincidental and not intended to offend readers or victims.