I'd have to say that I agree with Ed (not that my opinion counts for much): NeYo, your style of typing leaves a reader with the sense that you have a severe lack of sophistication. From your later posts to this thread one can tell that that is not the case, so why mask your intelligence with a bunch of street jargon mixed with chatroom shorthand? When read aloud, your posts remind me of the Brian Fellows skits on SNL. This is really not the image anyone would want in a forum like this, where everyone is trying to discuss, argue, and reason things out. Looke at Herve's posts: sure, a lot of them make no sense, but at least everyone can read them. And when he has something constructive to say, it comes out clearly and in real English. What happens when you try to express your opinions? The very thing that happened to Ed: people can't make hide nor hare of it.