iMac 400 dv and Jaguar



I am trying to install Jaguar on these machines via netinstall. The problem is, with either netinstall or cd install, my harddrive is not listed when it asks me to select a installation drive. The disk utility can find it, but the installer can't.

What should I do?

Also, can I install classic after I install Jaguar?

Is the HD already wiped? Is OS 9 already installed. Maybe the HD needs to be repaired with the Disk Utility (at the opening installer window menu) This would also be a good time to erase the HD (while installing OS 9 drivers) from the erase menu. That may be what is need to have a selectable HD at beginning of install . Assuming you can then install OS X, The first time you start Classic, OS X puts the Classic components in a System Folder if one exists. If OS 9 is already installed, then Classic components are installed among the OS 9 files, You do not need to have OS 9 installed to run Classic mode. You can always install OS 9 later, if you need to boot to 9. Good Luck
I have tried with and without harddrive wiping. Disk utility couldn't repair (problem with unmounting volume) so I just remade the partition. I then ran a check on the new partition, and life was fine.

On the classic front, I'm assuming that if I netinstall, that this will wipe off the old os first?