IMAC cd DVD eject problem



My IMAC refuses to eject. On the screen is an eject button, which when pressed tells me there are no drivers.

Any advice would be greatly apreciated

I also have a macbook with a power problem, it wont receive power or charge when plugged in. It seems to be a faulty connection. I know the battery and power cord work as I have charged the battery on another computer

again any advice would help me out heaps

You already asked about the iMac eject problem. Do not post the same question again.

You also already asked about the MacBook power problem. Do not post the same question again.

Posting the same questions over and over again will not somehow make the users here magically know the answer. It only serves to tick off other users and the moderators, and clutter up the forum with multiple copies of the same question.

Use the other threads you have already started to continue discussing your problem. If you feel you have not received satisfactory answers in those other threads, starting a new thread is not going to somehow, magically get you more satisfactory answers.