iMac DV+ Nearing Death Need Help Getting it Running Again


iWork for Apple <3
Alright after 5 years, my trusty old iMac is starting to die. It started with the CD drive not having enough oomph to eject CDs. And yesterday it really started. First, the internal monitor wouldn't start up (fortunatly i had an external monitor to hook up) then onec the monitor went back to normal, it wouldn't recognise any any network device (Airport, Eathernet or Modem) and after a few reboots, nothing happened. So I decided to reset the PRAM. I listened for it to chime 3 times like i have always been told to do but now it is stuck on the Apple start up logo.

So far i have let it just try to boot (gave it 2 hours) nothing happened. All day today I left it unpluged (still nothing). I have tryed to boot in to single user mode, Verbose mode and target disk mode all with out success. I have been able to start up to the 10.1 install disc (i am running 10.3 and can't find disc one) and disc utility couldent find anything wrong. I can start up in net boot (but i am not on a network so what good does that do me @,@) and i have even reset the logic board (with the little grey button rear the RAM). I have taken out my Air Port card and one of my memory sticks along with any firewire or USB cable.

So i am fresh out of ideas (untill i can find my 10.3 disc) can anyone think of anything that could help me? please?
Yep, ElDiabloConCaca's right - the usual culprit with those issues is the PRAM battery - it's a 3.6V 1/2 AA battery, available at Radio Shack. computer, perhaps? Call Apple and have them look at it?

You basically just described every single component of your computer and how it's failing. There's not ONE thing you can try to fix ALL the problems, so you may need to have an expert look at it, or call it a loss and get a new one...
well i managed to get target disc mode to work again, so i am going to do a weird iMac -> Laptop -> FW hard drive transfer.

Unfortunatly my apple care expired last year so it will end up being more pricy than i wish it would be. And i am due for a new comp so... repair and sell

So thank you very much for your help. If anyone can think of anything further Please send me an e-mail or a PM.
