iMac with "Two Monitors"


Think Different
Hey all.. so I got a new cable today to make it so I can plug my iMac into my S-Video into my TV ... making two monitors per say. It works... but I want to make it so I have two differnet monitors... so I can drag stuff over to my TV you know? Like a movie... or a game.. or a Quicktime clip or whatever. The thing that i was wondering was ... Can I make it so that when I click Apple F in Quicktime or something that it full screens the TV .. right now it just comes over to my monitor and makes the TV just the background.

Any ideas?
I have had dual screens with iDVD, and it would fullscreen into the screen that the window was in. If that doesn't work, you could make the TV the main monitor in system preferences.
that works... but it gets ride of the dock and the abiilty to use the iMac as a computer while a movie is playing or someone else is playing a game or something...
Quicktime Pro, at least, lets you select which monitor should be used for fullscreen playback. VLC's multimonitor support has been there, then gone, then there but not working… I'm not sure where it's at right now.

But I guess you simply _won't_ be able to let someone control a game on one monitor and continue working on the other. Only one app at a time can have your input focus, and you don't want a joystick to input data into your spreadsheets, and you don't want your spreadsheet numbers to control that game. ;)
Just drag the small window to the TV before going into full screen, and it'll use that monitor for full screen.

Just to let you know, though; Quicktime leaves fullscreen as soon as it loses focus, so you can't do other stuff in another window except scrolling :P.